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Everything posted by Mornats

  1. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1352730195' post='1866603'] Hey Joe.....I'd like to try the VMJV please, I foolishly bought a 4 string version which I hope to shift and replace with the 5 string version as I play 5 strings only! [/quote] Oh, is it the one with the natural wood body by any chance? I'm after one of those... but i'm quite specific about the body type. Natural wood or white for me only.
  2. [quote name='steve' timestamp='1352658005' post='1865742'] There's been some really good entries so far, here's mine [url="http://soundcloud.com/stevemcevoy/steve-mcevoy-mr-shellsuit-and"]http://soundcloud.co...r-shellsuit-and[/url] I could have continually twiddled and re-recorded bits and gone round in circles, but enough's enough, time to upload it and move on. First part was done in Sibelius and then transferred into Reason to record the remainder. Hope you like it [/quote] Yeah, I do like this one! The feel of it just suits the image so well.
  3. Righto here's mine. I've been listening to a bit of Leftfield this weekend hence the move into electronic music. http://soundcloud.com/mornats/macabraea
  4. And already the quality is so high it will be hard to vote for one let alone compete against you all! I'm starting mine now... but you've all raised the bar here so it'll be tough!
  5. I've been taking bass lessons for a couple of months now and my bass tutor has started to teach me to read music. I admit that I was hesitant at first as I wanted to learn technique and theory and didn't think that I'd use sight reading. I was still a little skeptical before I read this forum post to be honest but now I'm starting to think that I should focus on it a little more. Here's why I'm becoming a convert:[list=1] [*]I'm learning the notes on the fretboard more. This makes it easier to jam with my guitarist as he'll yell out the names of the notes he's playing when we're making stuff up. [*]Whilst reading the music I realised that I'm not counting up the clef and memorising the names of each note. I'm actually remembering a few notes in the clef and making note of the relationship between the notes. So as long as I know how to play a scale, I can play the piece in any key. All I'm doing is looking at how the notes work in patterns. And I can work with patterns very well. [*]As Doddy said earlier, most good instructional books are written in notation not tab. This makes it quicker and easier to learn more new stuff. [*]It's helping to turn me into a bass player, not a mimic. This is why I took up lessons. Memorising a song isn't really fulfilling for me. I want to jam along to a beat and a guitar and write stuff and record stuff and know what's cool to play when my guitarist is off soloing and stuff. [/list] So I may never end up in a situation where I need to read music live but I now think it's helping me understand what I should be playing. Yours, a converted skeptic
  6. [quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1352071006' post='1858509'] Well I always like the sound of your amp and Overwater [/quote] I may have flats on my Overwater by then...
  7. Here's my Bass Collection SB320 fretless strung with Rotosound Trubass nylon strings: http://soundcloud.com/mornats/mystery-and-magic I'm not sure how much it sounds like a double-bass, I think it does a little but others have said it doesn't!
  8. You know, I've also got a Dean Hillsboro Single bass if you're interested in that? Super slim neck. It's the white one from the photos I sent over to you. They cost the same as the Squier VM Jazz's new.
  9. Somewhere in this video (I can't remember where) Chris May tweaks those dials so you can see where he positions them: [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFPlwg1MGF0"]http://www.youtube....h?v=RFPlwg1MGF0[/url]
  10. I've got a trans black J4 like yours and really like it. Same issues as yours too, slight gap down one side of the neck joint and pups not equal in volume (sorted those now, there are two little dials on the circuit board if you open the cover). Overall though, a really nice bass. Nice modern range of tones and very playable. I paid the full £580 for mine though and they've come down in price to a very good £400. Cheaper than a MIM Fender which they blow the socks off IMO.
  11. Would you be interested in a 1991 5-string active Bass Collection SB315? I'll send you more details if you're interested...
  12. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1351282244' post='1849788'] It's a real kick isn't it It's very gratifying that people take the time to listen. And mate, don't do yourself down, we are all at different levels of accomplishment, and diverse in our musical interests. I like playing lots of instruments and getting a kick out of making my own music and I can play to a reasonable level, but on bass Jake Newman makes me feel like driving a little pale blue three wheeler. It is only EVER about the music, and you can make it with a bag of compost and a cake tin if it represents your soul. [/quote] +1 mate
  13. As Pinball mentioned, I'll be coming along to this. If anyone fancies a go on anything in my signature, let me know and I'll make sure I'll bring it. If you're interested in buying either of my Bass Collections or my Dean, let me know too!
  14. Voted! (Not for myself though, doesn't seem fair to do that?)
  15. And don't forget to get involved yourselves, it's great fun and quite inspiring too.
  16. You missed mine! http://soundcloud.com/mornats/and-all-that
  17. I played their acoustic bass and quite liked it. I work for a travel publisher though...
  18. I do love the feel of that Ed, nice track. Your link's broken so here's the right one: http://soundcloud.com/mole-music-1/supersonic
  19. Cheers mate Yeah, about 3 hours from start to finish so hence the rushed mix. Had a few things on my mind so it proved a nice distraction.
  20. I wasn't going to do one this month but got the urge today. So here it is: [url="http://soundcloud.com/mornats/and-all-that."]http://soundcloud.co...s/and-all-that[/url]. Maybe not the best mix so it's a bit raw.
  21. Mornats


    I have one of these (in black) and it is simply superb. For this price, you'd be a fool to not buy it! Quick question though, you say it comes with tools? Mine didn't come with anything. What tools did you get?
  22. Here's my favourite Volume Eleven bass: [attachment=121168:20121014_131616.jpg]
  23. They be the same ones that whisper in my ear "go on, just buy it".
  24. Well done mate, well-deserved!
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