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Everything posted by Mornats

  1. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1348436085' post='1813701'] Nice work Mornats! You've got a good tone on your bass and I love the chords that kick in around 1:25 (my favourite melody in the whole track - really nice). The drums are solid too, they almost sound as though played live (maybe they were?). The mix itself sounds good through my headphones; well balanced and nicely produced. [/quote] Cheers mate This is the result of my first bass lesson (new fingering techniques that have really helped). The drums are actually EZdrummer with a nice bit of room added. Amazing software I have to admit.
  2. I've cast my vote (not for my own of course, that wouldn't seem fair!). It was tough as there's such diversity in here. Can't wait for future comps!
  3. Ok, so the picture sums up an image of Somerset (where I now live) for me. So, inspired by my trip to Glastonbury (the town, not the festival) I came up with this composition which I decided to enter partway through recording and mixing. So just about based on the image at the start of this thread! http://soundcloud.com/mornats/somerset
  4. I tend to have an idea in my head of roughly what I want a bassline to sound like first. It can be based on the rhythm of something or some small lick or the overall business of a piece - just anything really. I then play 2 or 4 bars looped until I get it right. It's funny but I can get it right on the first take or the 180th, it just depends. I develop it as I go, picking out parts where the dynamics can change or the timing, or the pauses (I'm learning to take bits out as well as put bits in). The track I'm currently working on is 5m 30s or so and the whole bassline loops once, so a 2 min baseline thereabouts. Looking back at the project file, I recorded this in 2 or 4 bar loops over 450 takes (or around that, some may have been deleted). Then there are few tracks of mine where I was focusing more on the guitar parts and I nailed the bassline first go. So I guess my musical mind takes me places and drags my fingers along for the ride and teaches them a thing or two. I like it, it works.
  5. I just need to finish the mix on mine and I can post it up :-)
  6. I think there's weight in the argument that if your basses fanciness outshines your playing then it can inspire you to up your game to match. This may sound silly to some people but having a bass you love picking up and playing is great motivation.
  7. To be honest I spend more time messing around with the dials on my amp just trying to get the flat, natural sound of the bass. I wouldn't see the lack of customisability to be a negative. Enjoy it and turn it up whenever you can
  8. My Overwater has a good bridge but can it hell get me over a river.
  9. I've played a Squier VM P bass and thought it was great. Better than the MIM ones and not far off the USA ones. For the money, buy a Squier Jazz, a P and a fretless for less than the price of a USA model. Stick a Fender decal on it if you're worried about image
  10. Ditto what Luke said. 3rd one definitely a JJ, I don't think I'm wrong on the first two either but hey, I could be!
  11. Is this the travel bass you're thinking of? [url="http://www.travelerguitar.com/products/bass/"]http://www.travelerguitar.com/products/bass/[/url]
  12. Here's a run down of how I got started if this helps http://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/176553-mini-guide-to-starter-gear-for-recording-cheaply/
  13. I've been a big fan of FnM for donkey's years now. I saw them support Guns n Roses at Gateshead Stadium back in 91 or 92 (can't remember which year!) and they were fantastic. Billy Gould is up there with Geddy and Flea as one of those bass players that made me want to play bass.
  14. Moving swiftly on... Matt had a Markbass combo (don't know which one but it had a single 10" speaker) that made my Overwater sound lurvely. FIrst time I've heard one and I did like it.
  15. I knew I should have said C major lol :-)
  16. [quote name='lowdowner' timestamp='1347045094' post='1796473'] Are you going to keep it up? [/quote] You betcha. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1347049684' post='1796552'] ( I V IV progressions can't be done in Bb though. You'll need to transpose to F#. Matt will teach you. He knows these things. ) [/quote] That's why I need a tutor
  17. I decided to treat myself to bass lessons for my birthday and got in touch with Matt Downer ([url="http://www.matthewdowner.com"]http://www.matthewdowner.com[/url]) and had my first lesson. I wasn't quite sure what to expect but I had a great time. Matt taught me some much-needed technique and gave me some exercises to help with it. "Play them slow, it's harder to play slower" was his advice for them and he's right. I practiced them for over an hour when I got home and I can see a marked improvement. I still need practice but I'm heading in the right direction now. He also went over some theory too which I really wanted to learn. It looks like I'll have to learn to read music during my lessons too so I'll dive into that. It wasn't on my agenda at first but I can see the benefit of it so I'll happily learn it. So my end goal is to have someone say, let's do a jam in Bb with a I V IV progression and I can just pick up the bass and groove along without thinking.And I think I'll get there with Matt's help. So I'm a happy bunny right now. Best* birthday present to myself ever I think. * Well, perhaps my Overwater Contemporary J4 from last year was, but this is on par
  18. Weekly would be £100 a month which is a little too much at the moment, also I've been playing for a few years which may push me into "medium" maybe. Best discuss it with my tutor tomorrow but all comments have been taken on board :-)
  19. That's a beauty! I happy birthday:-)
  20. Thanks for your comments everyone. Once a fortnight sounds good to me. That will give me time to really apply what I've learned and make me eager for more. I don't think there'll be a problem of not practicing in between as when I learn something new I usually write a couple of tracks that incorporate it. I got two tracks written after watching Scott Devine's video lesson on triads I'll let you all know how I get on after my first lesson tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to it.
  21. For those of you under the tutelage of bass tutors (i.e. you're taking lessons), how often do you have your lessons? I'm about to have my first every bass lesson (at the ripe age of late-30-something) and want to work out a schedule. I was thinking every 3-4 weeks to give me a chance to absorb, practice and work with what I've learned in that particular lesson. But I don't know if these will be too spread apart. I'll obviously discuss it with my tutor but I wonder how often you all "get some" (lessons of course!)
  22. [quote name='LiamPodmore' timestamp='1346162625' post='1785929'] My friend Jess has recently posted a new cover on her soundcloud (Of Demi Lovato's 'Skyscraper') and it's brilliant. Little issues with the recording, but her voice is getting better and better with every note she sings. Anyway, i just thought i'd share her with the good people of BC once again. [url="http://soundcloud.com/jessicalaurensm/skyscraper-demi-lovato-jessica"]Skyscraper-Demi Lovato (Jessica Lauren Smith Cover) [/url] And as a little extra burst of awesomeness, the second verse and chorus are sung in spanish which just sounds too good IMO. Liam [/quote] Your friend Jess's stuff is brilliant, I love hearing her stuff. Fantastic voice.
  23. It's in Photoshop. Edit > Flip horizontal.
  24. All credit to Warwick for having a go at some vastly different finishes though. Some of them are stunning and some are, er, see above!
  25. Sounds good! And we can stop each other buying more guitars when we both have too many.
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