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Everything posted by Mornats

  1. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1344000538' post='1758505'] If I ever need to boost mids, apart from using the amp for more specific frequencies, with a 2 band pre on the bass its a simple matter of cutting the treble and bass a bit. So many people I know only ever seem to boost EQ on their active basses for some reason. As a sound engineer I have learned to use EQ to get rid of the frequencies I don't want rather than boost the ones I do. [/quote] Brilliant, that answered my question! I should have known this as I've been cutting rather than boosting when mixing my recordings recently.
  2. Chucked a brand new set of .45 - .105 GHS Bass Boomers on it and wow, does it growl! A bit clangy but that's brand new strings for ya and these will mellow out soon anyway. So, I took it to band practice last night and absolutely loved playing it. The sound was spot on, playability was spot on and it was just a joy! It's got that very nice aggressive jazz sound that I wanted. Now to sell my Bass Collections and Dean...
  3. Heh, my Overwater Aspiration and Warwick Rockbass both have 2 band EQs and my amp has a passive EQ so I'm having trouble pin-pointing what can alter my mids. If I say, cut the treble and bass on my basses' pre-amps would that boost the mids?
  4. Cheers guys, yep they're colour-coded so must be the Fenders on there. Now I wonder if the Bass Boomers would add a little brightness and some mid-range growl to them. My Bass Collection SB315 has them on and sounds awesome, very Geddy Lee like (if you've heard their latest album). Not sure if that's more to do with the SGC Nanyo pickups or the strings. Guess I'll give them a go at the very least. Definitely 105 on the E string, it's thicker than the 100 on my 5 string.
  5. Just had a play around with the RB Corvette I bought and yeah, I know what you mean about the tone. It's like a jazz bass that's gonna kick the crap out of you.
  6. Oh, and I'm the fourth guy she's had eh?
  7. Yeah, the sustain is really nice. As one of its former owners you wouldn't happen to know what the string gauge is/was? It's a heavier gauge than the .38 - .98 on my Overwater but I do like it. Just as easy to play as the lighter gauge and more thump to it. I may even put the heavier gauge on my Overwater but I'll wait until I can afford a new setup for it at the same time. I wasn't sure about the chunkiness of the neck before I bought it but it's quite nice. The neck width is nice and small (like my Bass Collections actually) but the extra thickness just really helps give it a solid feel. And this is from a guy who adores thin necks.
  8. Thanks both! I must say I'm rather impressed with the quality of this bass. I might grab new set of GHS Bass Boomers to put on it now.
  9. Got this one off Mzungu71 (cheers!) who got it off Waynepunkdude so it's doing the BC rounds (but may be a long time until I replace it!). Had a little noodle on it and love it. Nice growly jazz sounds with something a bit different and more aggressive in there which I really like. Beautiful to play which was a surprise as the neck's thicker than all of my others. I'll get some pics up but if Wayne doesn't mind I'll link to his original for sale thread with his pic on it (so no, I don't have that nice Ampeg SVT in my house...): [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/171750-warwick-rock-bass-corvette/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/171750-warwick-rock-bass-corvette/[/url] I'll be band-practicing it on Weds and recording with it tonight. So, why did I get it when I've got 4 basses already? Well I love my Overwater, it's my main bass by far. I love the growly jazz sound of my Bass Collection 5 string but just can't get on with 5 strings so wanted to replace it with something that had a similar sound and I've always fancied a Warwick and these Rockbasses aren't far off the German made ones so I've heard. So I'll be selling my SB315 soon on here. I actually plan to go down to 2 basses so my gorgeous trans-red Bass Collection SB320 fretless (with Barts on it I believe) will also be up for sale and possibly my cheapo (but very very playable) Dean Hillsboro. So I'll then be left with my budget-range Overwater and Warwick. Can't argue with that!
  10. Just bought Gary's Rockbass Corvette and everything went through brilliantly. Great communication and he posted the bass very quickly. In fact, he posted it on a Friday and it turned up on a Monday. The postage was more than he quoted and he was going to let me off (a tenner's difference) but I wasn't gonna let 'im Nice one Gary, I'm gonna go off and enjoy that bass now!
  11. I'm no longer a Basschat Marketplace virgin so here's my feedback thread.
  12. If you're thinking of Fenders, give the Squire Precision or Jazz basses a go. I played a Squire P not so long ago and loved it. They're a really cheap route into the Fender world and I've heard a few people say the quality control is much better than the Made in Mexico ones. But don't be afraid to try other basses! Overwater/Tanglewood do some fairly cheap Classic Jazz basses which are worth trying. My Overwater Contemporary Jazz cost around the same as a MIM Fender and beats it hands down for quality, playability and sound.
  13. It does seem to me that some producers are just unwilling to leave behind their Fender presets when mixing. Just sayin'. I happen to love the Warwick shapes, they're quite distinct, elegant and the natural wood look is beautiful. My incoming RB Corvette will make a great pairing with my Overwater Contemporary J I reckon, on all counts.
  14. I was at the Nailsea & Backwell Beer and Cider festival (they're small towns in North Somerset - not a huge event but fun all the same) and Kasabian's drummer - Ian Matthews - was playing in a rock covers band. They were really good, great vocalists (one male and one female) and had fun on stage. I later found out that Ian lives in Backwell (I live in Nailsea) and plays in local covers bands when not on tour with Kasabian. There's something about this that I just really like.
  15. [quote name='Torben Hedstrøm' timestamp='1342959248' post='1743113'] EzDrummer Reaper Apogee soundcard (some second hand monitors... Dynaudio ?). [/quote] +1 for going along this route. I use a Guitar Rig Session interface (was £80 inc. Guitar Rig 4 LE) and used it for all of the recordings in my soundcloud link and I don't think that the budget end of the scale will seriously hamper anyone starting out in recording. I'd say that Komplete 8 is overkill at the moment (but is probably a nice earner for the shop...) especially if you're after it mainly for the drum sounds. I've got a couple of drum kits in Kontakt and don't find them anywhere as easy to use as EZDrummer. I did start a mini-guide to setting up quite cheaply (based on what I've managed to do) that may be of some help: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/176553-mini-guide-to-starter-gear-for-recording-cheaply/"]http://basschat.co.u...ording-cheaply/[/url] Are you using a Mac or PC to record with? If you're on a Mac I'd recommend going with GarageBand for now. It's really simple and just lets you focus on making music. Plus you'll already have it as it comes with all Macs anyway. If not, it's £8.99 from the Mac app store.
  16. You could just sell one bass at a time to finance your new found love of recording. Depending on the value you could sell one to get an audio interface, another to get some studio monitor speakers, one to get a moog, another for DAW software etc. etc.
  17. You can try my Rockbass Corvette when it arrives! If it's anything like Overwater's Chinese-made budget basses they'll be a gnat's bits away from a proper one.
  18. PM'd. Been looking for a good jazz sounding bass with something a little different about it.
  19. By the way, is this the bass? [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/warwick_rb_corvette_basic4_nt_satin.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/warwick_rb_corvette_basic4_nt_satin.htm[/url]
  20. Couple of questions before you 'bay it as I'm quite interested in this to replace a couple if basses I've got. How's the neck in terms of being slim or chunky? I love thin jazz-style necks. The neck on a Fender J (or indeed my Overwater Jazz) are what I'm looking for. I guess it's similar to a Spector neck (I've got a Spector Legend 5-string on loan which I can compare it to). I'd probably sell my 5-string to get this but I'd have to put it on a credit card until I sold it. Is that an option?
  21. Which setting is good for metal?
  22. No worries mate. All my cash is cold hard and cynical, I just don't know where all of it is!
  23. Oh my, I'm curious about this one. I take it the sound from the two J pups is a nice growly jazz sound? I've got a 5 string active Bass Collection SB315 that I may be willing to put up for trade. It's strung (and set up for) EADGC so doesn't have the low B. Might be a reluctant trade as I love he sound and playability but just can't get away with a 5 string.
  24. "Anyone ever had a bad car crash with a load of gear in the back?" - you'd think so after hearing the stuff on my Soundcloud link.
  25. Just goes to show, one bassist is worth 12.5 guitarists.
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