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Everything posted by Mornats

  1. The original Drumkit From Hell eventually morphed into Superior Drummer and EZDrummer is the cut down version of that (although very different in itself). I suspect that the expansion won't work on EZD but might on Superior Drummer.
  2. Did I also mention that I'm chuffed to bits with my Overwater/Tanglewood Contemporary J4?
  3. I knew the answer to this question without thinking about it. It was this one: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6E0m0Gcblp0[/media]
  4. Same great service here. Ordered some strings from Overwater at 2pm on Tuesday and they arrived (in Bristol too!) on Wednesday morning.
  5. I once did a battle of the bands gig in Preston whilst wearing a full Newcastle United football kit. We didn't win.
  6. Lol, yes sorry, totally forgot about the previous recommendations!
  7. Another one here
  8. Ah, we posted at the same time. Right, might pop back to see Eugene. Top bloke he is, really friendly.
  9. He seemed ok other than to go on about how he's only one of 200 people worldwide who really know how to set up a guitar properly. If the other guy was Eugene then I've had Eugene set up my fretless for me (bang-up job it was). He's now working at Treblerock. I'm actually now more interested in just a good setup more-so than learning the basics.
  10. I dropped into Rickaxe Guitars whilst in Bristol today and had a chat with the guy in there (didn't get his name but he's the main guy). I'm tempted to take it to him, anyone have any experience with them?
  11. Frets are fine, it's quite new (bought it in September last year). I'd love to just describe (or demonstrate) how I play and what I think I want out of the setup in terms of action and have him set it up based on that. Whomever I pick, I'll definitely call in advance to arrange it to make sure the luthier is happy with what I want. I know a lot of them will take it away for a few days or a week to get it done so need to make sure I can book a time in where I can go down and sit with him. This isn't the sort of thing you can just turn up and expect! Thanks for the heads-up about the choccie biscuits too
  12. Cheers for the recommendation. Any idea if he's up for letting someone watch/learn a bit?
  13. Hey Louder, another Somerset-based player here. Currently residing in Nailsea but originally from Newcastle in the great North East. (Better weather down here but you all speak funny! ) Basschat is indeed a friendly place, everyone's done a really good job building up the community.
  14. I've got one in trans black too. My serial number is around 40-50 digits higher than yours so likely the same production run and it's flipping lovely.
  15. You should be able to pop it in c:\program files\vstplugins (it might be c:\program files(x86)\vstplugins) and have Reaper pick it up from there. Also check in Reaper's Options > Preferences > Plugins - VST and make sure that the file path is included in the VST plugin paths and that should do it. In fact, you can probably put it anywhere so long as you tell Reaper the path but other software will likely look in the folder I mentioned by default too so it's worth popping it in there.
  16. Yep, you can do that. Interestingly, try dropping a drum midi track onto an entirely different instrument and see how it sounds.
  17. +1 for Ezdrummer, it's what I use but I've not used anything else so can't give a fair comparison. All of the drums on the tracks in my soundcloud link in my sig are from EZdrummer.
  18. Good afternoon basschatters, I want to treat my Overwater/Tanglewood jazz to a setup as I think it needs a bit of adjustment to get it playing perfectly. However I'd really like to be there to watch it being set up so that I can learn enough to do small tweaks myself. I'm not quite sure how many luthiers would be willing to let me watch as it could end up with them getting less business from me! So, anyone know of anyone in or near Bristol who does first rate setups and is willing to let me watch or even show me the basics?
  19. There's always these from Superlux: [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/superlux_hd662_f.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/superlux_hd662_f.htm[/url]. Only £28 plus postage (around £7-8). Now that sounds too cheap for studio quality headphones but these reproduce sounds, especially bass, almost identically to my M-Audio BX5a studio reference monitors. A bit of research that my mate did revealed that Superlux make components for the likes of AKG, BeyerDynamics etc. (Although I'm not sure if they make them for those two brands, but they make them for brands of that calibre.) These are closed back and noise cancelling. I get snuck up on all the time when I'm wearing them...
  20. I saw this when it was on and really liked it. Hope you get your gear back though, that's a true bummer.
  21. Done
  22. Sounds like a worthy thing to do, I'll pop on there tonight and do it.
  23. No worries, I had the opposite problem to you. I had a copied midi loop that had a lower velocity than the original despite the values being the same. No matter how many times I'd copied and pasted it, it wouldn't remain the same (it had no automations on it either so nothing else was affecting the volume or velocity) so checking that box fixed it for me.
  24. It's an option in Reaper... go to Options > Preferences, then select Midi under the Media section. There's a tickbox (third one down) called Pool MIDI source data when pasting or duplicating media items. If it's ticked, then untick it. What it does is use any edits to the original loop and apply them to every copied instance. Quite useful but not in your case! You can tell that a loop is pooled as they have an icon next to them in the track view.
  25. Electric night storage heaters can also cause the pickups to hum in my experience.
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