At £349 this is a great bass and great price! Some of you know I'm a big fan of the Ibanez range of this era, I would never part with my Musician. The studios don't come up often, good luck! Somebody is going to be a very happy buyer!
Great bass! Good luck with the sale, I too love the Ibanez from this range, mine is a Limited Edition Musician
This seems a really low price for a great bass! There is currently the 8 string version of the studio on ebay at £795!!
Good luck, somebody is going to get a great bass!
These bring back memories! I had a T40, rosewood neck. Amazing basses! They really do deserve more recognition as iconic basses, I can definitely see myself hunting for one again in the future, and I think that is a great price for the blade pickups, don't see many of those! Good luck!
[quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1398977025' post='2439725']
I've just got a Warwick Streamer LX4 fretless. Certainly vrry pleased with it.
Very nice! A Warwick is one I've never actually owned, but always love to play when I get the chance.
My fretless is an old Vigier arpege deltametal and I love the range of sounds from it! (If only it was an unlined model so people knew I didn't need to look at my hands )