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Everything posted by IainRoberts

  1. Busy weekend! Bump before considering....ebay!
  2. Thanks GeeCee I will have to remember to look at the serial number but here's a photo of the bass
  3. Middle of the night bump for those who too had too much coffee while working late...you might say "bump in the night!" I just couldn't resist saying that! Bump in the night...haha...ok way too obvious, wonder how many times people have used that one :-)
  4. Cool thread, I may be adding my jap jazz to the bay soon!:-)
  5. Ok so somebody is going to get a great bass at a damn good price! I'm a big fan of these instruments, seen some go for over £700. And lets face it they are unique...limited in number...surely a good investment?!
  6. Im part tempted to set it up with a carbon neck...spark any interest? :-)
  7. Some good eyes for the jaydees! Possibly a silly question but is it possible to get the age from the serial number? I love my jaydee and it would be great to know a bit of its history:-)
  8. Very nice! So tempted to add a 5 string to my rack...but my current sale isnt quite enough for this one, I best start saving the pennies! Good luck, I'll watch this one in case I start feeling a bit more wealthy! :-)
  9. A new week begins, bump for a monday while sipping a coffee. Am open to offers, basses are to be played, not mingling with dust :-)
  10. Ah memories! My first bass was a Westone concord, very quickly followed by a fretless thunder 1, lovely guitars...I sold mine a couple years back to help pay for a vigier deltametal...must say the westone played just as well!
  11. BIG fan of the ibanez! I already have one in natural finish...tempted by the two tone, maybe a fretless one day, great bass :-)
  12. Dont tempt me! I'm supposed to be slimming down my set up but this is a beauty! Good luck :-)
  13. Thanks Jon, appreciate the info. You've got a good eye! Yep it is a ply body with a really nice stained finish to it. I'm part tempted to hold on to it but the ibanez is being played mostly these days so it really should find a new home. I guess I've had it so long it kind of feels like a part of me :-( Whoever does buy it I want update photos from gigs! :-)
  14. Great Bass! I'm the proud owner of a B402 and I don't think we will ever part! Good luck with the sale, that's a great price for a great bass!
  15. [b]PRICE DROP!!! £150[/b] Reluctant to sell but deserves to be played! The clear out begins, now that there is a mini me in the world just 6 months old I'm going to be moving on some of my gear so that it gets the play it deserves! Here is a Japanese Jazz bass in a gorgeous deep red stain. It was my work horse since 1996! (until the Ibanez musician came along!) I do not know the make but would date it somewhere from the 1980s, possibly Matsumoko, if anybody can shed some light on it please do Fitted with a DiMarzio humbucker (which required a larger hole behind the scratchplate, not pretty but it fits and sounds great!) Going for £150 or nearest offer, any questions please do ask. Cheers
  16. Fantastic Bass! ChrisMuzz...Hi! I just saw this, I am the proud owner of the club riot musician It is still going strong, I've played a lot of basses and this has become my workhorse! Neck feels amazing and the sound is awesome!! I gave the electrics a little tlc as had a couple of dodgy connections, but all original and cleaned up nice! Say hi to BassGeek for me, I still have the wooden crate he made to ship it in too!! Top bloke and my dream bass!
  17. How is this still here?! I have the Ltd Edition one and it's my most played bass, everything about it is just right If I could justify a second I would snap this up especially as it's just down the road from me. Is it now on ebay?! Good luck with the sale!
  18. Great instruments! I have a natural wood limited edition Musician and love it so much that I'm tempted by this one just for a change in colour! That would be outrageous though and I now have a Vigier fretless also so someone else buy this bass, I can't justify another one on colour alone!!!
  19. Just did a double take on that one, I had my eye on that bass about 18months ago, it was in Nicks guitars, still has the listing online: [url="http://www.nicksguitars.com/basses.htm"]http://www.nicksguitars.com/basses.htm[/url] and the photos at: [url="http://imageevent.com/nicksguitars/musicmansabrebassgordoncustomnecks"]http://imageevent.com/nicksguitars/musicmansabrebassgordoncustomnecks[/url] which are the same ones used in the ebay add. Always makes me a little nervous seeing old photos used, just in case it's a dodgy listing...hopefully not the case here!
  20. Good advice, cheers. Not sure when I'm going to fit that in and I want to play it now! Hows your Guild b402a going? Still kicking myself about missing out on that one.
  21. [attachment=103274:2012-03-24 15.49.08.jpg]Wow, I didn't realise! Yes thats the one, here's mine in the darker finish, I love the switches
  22. Yep I shall get some pics up soon, dashing all over the place at the mo, just can't sit still!
  23. So I have a project on the go, restoring a nice old Hagstrom. Not sure when I'm going to find the time but the first thing to look at is a crack in the neck at the headstock. It's not too big but should I repair it at the sacrifice of the lacquer OR save the original neck as is and fit a custom carbon neck instead to get the old beauty up and running?
  24. Welcome, Nice looking bass. You obviously have good skills with laying up carbon fibre, I work with carbon fibre also, mostly on bobsleds, so I know it is tricky to get a good finish. Just a tip though, for 1500euros you can get a lot of amazing basses so you really need to use top end components. I made a similar carbon bass for a friend and for 500euros. Good luck with the full carbon build. Make a custom mould, use a pre-preg and autoclave, not wet-lay. Then with some top end hardware that would be more like the 1500 price tag Have fun, Iain
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