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Everything posted by stonecoldbass

  1. I would recommed an Aguilar 500sc. The BEST amp for that kinda money in terms of tone and power. I got mine 3 years ago and never been left wanting. c
  2. Don't really have an answer, but I like how my sadowsky came with a warning advising against turning both tone controls all the way up! It's only a 9v circuit but has the hottest output of any bass I have, even more than the 18v circuit on my zoot. c
  3. I agree with steve, cracking tune. I especially like how the bass player misses the push into the first chorus....!
  4. 2 sets of d'addario long scale 5 string 45 guage pro steels.... santa knows his bassle shizzle! :-)
  5. So...how did the thinking go?? c
  6. You need specail equipment to hear a dolphin, even then its all clicky and squeaky....!;-) c
  7. Hmmmm, I'm tempted! I have a marcus jazz that I don't really play much anymore after getting my sadowsky. What kind of tones does the corvette give off? I have a dolphin as well so I'm thinking they might overlap too much? How much extra cash would you be looking for in the part exchange? Bearing in mind my marcus has been retro fitted with the john east preamp... cheers! craig
  8. I think a cross selection of styles always goes down well, maybe look at 'come on come over' by jaco, a jazz standard or 2, maybe a latin/funk thing? good luck, keep us posted! craig
  9. Paypal is fine for me. Want to PM me you details and we can get the ball rolling? cheers, craig
  10. Cheers Garry, Yar, it's so much easier playing with a good drummer, not fighting to find the groove. The signal chain for recording was: Sadowsky 5 MXR Bass DI M80 TL Audio Valve Pre, Mac. It's all in the fingers ;-) We're gigging in the Renfrew Ferry in Glasgow in January if anyone is interested. cheers! craig
  11. I'll grab chinese democracy mate! cheers, craig
  12. £250 posted and you have a deal.... c
  13. I've got a black RV5 with rosewood board.......but you can't have it!!! Haha! ;-) craig
  14. I have a 35" scale 5 string and I use prosteels, but you need to make sure they are the extra long guage. craig
  15. Hey, i stumbled across this: [url="http://laurencecottle.com/buy/"]Laurence Cottle Albums[/url] And couldn't believe they were free! Not had a chance to listen to them all yet, but so far there's some tasty playin from a top uk player. Enjoy!! cheers, craig
  16. stonecoldbass


    Nice use of the major pentatonic mate, some nice licks in there, maybe just work on phrasing/timing a bit and you'll be even funkier! c
  17. Hi, do you have any spec and dimensions for the ken smith pups? cheers, craig
  18. Hi Luke, Fantastic recordings mate! Really really like the kit sound, this was a live gig you say?! Great to hear tunes being faithfully recreated with attention to proper parts and sounds and played well too! Y'all sound grand! c
  19. Great little preamp, I use one in my rig and it just phattens it all up! buy it someone c
  20. Unfortunately I missed return to forever, they were playing almost out of town. I was actually not really that tempted by the gear! Which to me says that I'm on the right path with the stuff that I have.....that and I'm waiting on my Sadowsky Metro arriving!! c
  21. Hey peeps, Here's an interesting article I stumbled across in tinterweb. Bottom line? Tone is in your hands. [url="http://digital.premierguitar.com/premierguitar/200809/?folio=118"]Bass Tone[/url] Enjoy! craig
  22. Thanks for the feedback guys. We're based in Edinburgh mainly. If you check out our myspace [url="http://www.myspace.com/chapteronetheband"]ChapterOne[/url] there is a video of the last 2 songs from our debut gig. They're 2 of the mp3's that are up here so might make for good comparisons. cheers! craig
  23. Anyone get a chance to listen to these....? craig
  24. We were planning on getting up but most of the gigs were too 'official', and when we did ask we were told jam nights were another night... That guy jesus did have a beard and play a fender deluxe, check out the pic. I didn't bring back any gear, I'm waiting on my sadowsky being delivered from another bchatter!! c
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