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Everything posted by stonecoldbass

  1. One day, oh yes...one day... It truly is an incredible place. Any kind of lifestyle or music you want, you get it in NYC. PS - nice big lebowski quote :-) c
  2. Hey Guys, Here's the three songs my new band recorded last month. You Should Know [attachment=12235:1_Track_01_1.mp3] What I Am [attachment=12236:2_Track_02_1.mp3] She's in Chains [attachment=12237:3_Track_03_1.mp3] Feedback mucho appreciated!! Catch us on myspace: [url="http://www.myspace.com/chapteronetheband"]ChapterOne[/url] Cheers!! Craig
  3. Well, I arrived home 3 days ago from a vacation of a lifetime: 10 days in NYC. I went with my mate Marco, a keyboard player, and we stayed in Midtown Manhattan. Being jazz fans, we were pretty excited about visiting the famous venues, Blue Note etc; and experiencing some good music. I, however, wasn't prepared for such a bass extravaganza!! The first gig was in the Blue Note and was the Poogie Bell band. You probably have already heard Poogie....he plays drums for Marcus Miller... Well, Marcus wasn't there, but he had a fantastic bass player called Kevin Barefoot playing for him, a lovely Fodera into the venues own Aguilar rig... [attachment=12204:broadfoot.jpg] Next night was Blue Note again, this time it was a group called Metro, with none other than Dave Weckl on kit, Gerald Veasley on bass and Randy Brecker on trumpet. Oh, and Will Lee was in the house, so he went up for a jam... [attachment=12205:gerald_veasely.jpg] [attachment=12206:will_lee.jpg] [attachment=12207:will_and_I.jpg] Then on Monday night we took a little visit to the 55 Bar, where Jaco and Mike Stern used to tear it up. Mike was playing that night, but this time with the African Jaco, Mr. Richard Bona: [attachment=12209:richard_and_me.jpg] [attachment=12208:mike_stern.jpg] On wednesday we went to see Lettuce (for those not in the know, they are one of the hottest funk bands out) on a ferry that went up the hudson. Probably the best funk gig I ever saw. And the bass player is called Jesus. He was in Bass Player last month I think. [attachment=12214:lettuce.jpg] During the week I payed a little visit to Rudy's bass shop and got my sweaty mits on a a few jems, some lovely modulus, an mtd or two, a sukop, an f-bass....but the highlight was a 'modified' '77 jazz. Sublime. [attachment=12210:77_jazz_bass.jpg] So, to some up, in the space of a week I met 3 bass legends playing with fellow world class musicians and saw various other ensembles that were all individual musical gems. Only in New York! I recommend it to anyone!!! Cheers, Craig
  4. Yup, I love all the gospel chops bass players. My fave I found is a guy called sharay reed, check out this killin' live vid: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_KuD0AjWdE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_KuD0AjWdE[/url] absolutely nailed groove!!! anyone else got any vids of brothers doing it for the lord?! c
  5. Nothing bass related, but i noticed the saltire in the background, you moved south mate? c
  6. These are truly fantastic amps, I have th SC version and it's never let me down in any situation yet; from large halls to intimate jazz. It has really thunderous lows, the deep switch on the babies takes your bass one lower!! This is a good price for it too! Join the club, you wont regret it!! In fact, I think you should hold onto it and give it a chance Jamie! Craig
  7. Hahahaha! You have a Dr.Ass bass cab!!! ;-) c ps-still dangerously tempted!! if only i wasn't buying gareths sadowsky...!
  8. DBX 163X. Makes everything phat and gooey. An has two controls: Gain and a 'More or Less' Compression' slider!
  9. Hey Rob, Great tune, nice tone as well. However, I would say that overall you're playing quite far behind the beat, especially on the 16th note runs. Good effort tho! I think that Bernard is probably one of the hardest bassists to emulate, his flowing lines are just so personal to his style. Lots to learn from his parts tho, especially about note length and rests. keep it up! craig
  10. Hey, You still got the akg wireless rack plates? is this so you can mount it in a 1u long rackspace? cheers, craig
  11. would you be interested in an Aguilar 500sc? craig
  12. Sounds like a good idea, how bout suggesting a few different clinic topics ie 'slap techniques and tricks', 'jazz musicianship' 'music theory 101' 'practice tips' etc;? I'd be up for attending and maybe sharing clinic duties with some fellow bchatters... craig
  13. Pm sent before Pablo's ;-)
  14. How does the tonefactor work with bass frrquencies? not too bad? cheers, craig
  15. How about a nice natural finish stingray?? craig
  16. Not interested in the 'ray then? craig
  17. Make you wish you still had your dolphin does it chris..? craig
  18. Yeah, www.myspace.com/craigstrain craig
  19. What about...ooh, a 1989 natural stingray with perspex pickguard and hipshot d-tuner....? craig
  20. Hi, do you have any measurements for the pups? cheers craig
  21. Hi, They're selling them in dolphin for £395...if you drop your price a tad I know i for one would certainly be interested... cheers, craig
  22. Are these extra long scale? ie suitable for a 35" scale thru body strung bass? cheers, craig
  23. Looks like it's sold to mr volume, pending payment!
  24. Yup. Anyone interested? I'd rather it stayed in the community before I stuck it on ebay. Cheers for the memory aid toasted... c
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