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Posts posted by skelf

  1. [quote name='Bronner' timestamp='1426538660' post='2719151']
    Okay, so in my quest to achieve this elusive Wal tone, I came across 2 links:

    First one looks like someone tried to clone a Wal completely; I have no idea how successful they were. Interesting though that it's a through neck design.


    Second link I found looks like someone tried to clone a Wal pickup and that thread appears to have rambled on for several years, and I can't tell what happened apart from the thread just stopping. Don't try to read the whole thing; you'll just get a headache.


    I supplied the pre-amp for that bass as far as I know.

    I would suggest you search on talkbass about the pickup builder to find out the situation regarding the company.

  2. [quote name='Bronner' timestamp='1426533913' post='2719047']
    Yes this preamp is very good. Previously heard it.

    Questions for you:

    1. Do you think the Pre amp will sound ok with the pickups the standard corvette fretless comes with? (They are actually good pickups for more of an acoustic fretless sound).

    2. For the 5 knob version, is it possible to switch the preamp off and use only the passive tone?

    [b]2-Pickup, 5-Knob[/b][list]
    [*]Volume/Blend Stack
    [*]Stacked Filter Frequency/Filter Peak for Neck Pickup
    [*]Stacked Filter Frequency/Filter Peak for Bridge Pickup
    [*]Treble Frequency/Treble Level
    [*]Passive Tone
    By the way, if you build that PreAmp, it's a really good one. Job well done.

    I know there have been several fitted to Waricks and as far as I know people are happy with the setup.

    No the active/passive is only available in the DFM pre-amp which as Rob mention I don't sell. The passive tone on the 01 works the same way as a normal passive tone control and work directly on the pickups before the active section.

    John East builds them for me.

  3. What a week.

    Building basses for me is solitary work and I focus on it very much as a business.
    This comes from my previous business where the sole aim was to make it efficient and profitable. However occasionally I am reminded that my current job is not just about the money which I know but need to have it pointed out or I tend to forget. This week has brought that front and centre and I have many people to thank.

    London Bass Guitar Show​ where I get to meet many friends and make a few new ones. This is also the venue where I get to catch up with Sheldon Dingwall​. Normally we get a chance to talk a bit of shop and the state of the bass world. However this year it was extremely brief. We where both talking to a guy who was just starting up building instruments and I mentioned not to give up the day job and not to expect to make any money from it. But not Sheldon he pointed out that building instruments had more than one currency, money and the other that feeds your soul. That stuck with me all week as it unfolded.

    Moffat Bass Bash.
    Skip a week and I finally get to meet Steve Lawson​ for longer than 5 mins at the London Show. By chance I got to sit at the table with Steve at the curry, honest I was not stalking you, and what followed was one of the most enjoyable 4 way conversations I have had in a while. New ideas to consider ,old ideas needing re-thought, some discarded completely. Here is a man so completely in love with what he does that he cannot get his ideas out fast enough and is the master of the tangental conversation. Witty, self deprecating, astonishing musician and excellent company hard not be swept up in his enthusiasm. But again it was the discussion on the abstract value of art that reinforced exactly what Sheldon had said the week before.

    The company.

    London show John East​ Colin Cunningham​ Steve Partlett.
    A great deal of fun was had which is one of the main reasons for doing the show and if that was not present I don't think I would go. This I have always known but not really accepted. So again it is not always about the money. On top of that I got to catch up with numerous customers that I now consider friends. These are friends I would never have met if I had not built basses more currency to be banked.

    The same applies to the Bass Bash which I would never have done and there would be a group of people I would never have met and my life would have been poorer for it.

    So to summarise I am a better person through the people I have met because I build basses. I never expected this when I started to build and at the ACG 10th anniversary I am beginning to realise how important it is, I have never been quick on the uptake. My thanks to many, to many to name but you know who you are and if you don't that would be my fault and I will try to correct that.

  4. My thanks to Aaron Armstrong for a very generous contribution to the 10th Anniversary prize draw.

    Set of Custom 5 string pickups.
    Armstrong Distortion pedal.
    Tee Shirts and Hats.


  5. I spoke to the P&D guy about it for a while and I don't think they both work the same way as far as I understood it. The guy I had with me to play demos was equally impressed with it. I was surprised how well it translated all the notes even when played at speed or slapped. I was genuinely impressed with how well it work.

  6. So just to recap the prize draw.

    25% discount voucher on ACG Custom Series Bass.
    East Tone UK 2 band pre-amp.
    3 Hipshot bridges.
    4 Hipshot Detuners
    Dunlop goodies.
    SIT strings and Tee Shirts.
    Basschat Polo Shirts.
    iBass Magazine subscriptions.
    Goodies from Armstrong Pickups.
    Bass Guitar Magazine should be on board as well.

    On top of all that we have Steve Lawson playing set and will be about to have a chat all weekend.
    Mountains of gear to try out in a relaxed atmosphere.

    Not bad for a tenner Sunday ticket.

    Not bad for a tenner.

  7. Excellent time today. Thanks to everyone that dropped by. Found the volume at my end of the hall to be pretty good I think the volume was higher at the other end according to people I spoke to. Place was really busy despite the negative comments which was very encouraging for tomorrow and future shows.

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