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Posts posted by skelf

  1. If you like weird stuff it is excellent but can do a lot of the more standard stuff. Like the octave shift and the distortion. I would like a tremelo added since it is one of my favourite effects. I wish I had an excuse to get a new generation iPad to run this but I barely use the mini as it is so not likely which is a pity this is a monster if you want to push the sonic limits.

  2. Having a great deal of fun with this. Like the individual effects as good as anything I have tried. Only downside is my iPad mini is really struggling to run it. The more interesting sequence relate patches are clicking most if the time and it does hang up. Not a criticism of the app more an observation on what you need to run it. Would be great on my iMac into digital performer, hint hint.

  3. Special guest for the whole weekend is Steve Lawson who will be providing a demo/masterclass on the Sunday.
    Limited number of tickets so those interested in coming along please don't wait to long this in particular applies to the full weekend ticket.

    Tickets are now available for the full weekend and just the Sunday.
    Full details can be found at: [url="http://www.moffatbassbash.co.uk"]http://www.moffatbassbash.co.uk[/url]

    This is the week after the London show so if you can't get down and feel the need to try out a pile of gear then this is your chance.

  4. I am with you I don't like slap but having tried our experiment last year the majority seem to like it even though the majority seem to complain about it. The show is excellent you don't spend the whole day in the exhibitors section there are plenty of other things to do. So you can spend short bursts in the main hall that way it is not really a problem. The noise and the slap are only a problem if you spend the entire day in the hall then it gets a bit wearing. The guys that I see as the problem are the ones that have a party piece and play the same thing on every stand and go to every stand over the day they don't appear to be there to try gear more to show of. Might be totally wrong but having been there for three years you get time to watch what is going on.

    First year I was there I hated it there was a constant barrage of slap and widdling from a nearby stand and it just wore me down. However the last two years have been much better and hopefully that will continue.

  5. I see complaints every year about slap but if you want a crowd of people to stand and watch a demo then wheel out the slap. We tried what would be regarded as normal bass playing last year and there was little to no interest. Kicked of with the slap and audience straight away. So while everyone seems to complain about it they also seem to stand and watch/listen. Solution no idea,I have accepted that it is the nature of a bass show it gets loud and there is slap bass.
    The quiet period every year starts of quite well but as the day wears on it is steadily ignored by stands and customers. I bring along a decent headphone setup and found last year more people where interested in using that than the amp.

  6. Most of the standard blocks are around 70mm wide you need something nearer 92mm for the end of a 6 string. I got a custom block make up for the wider finger boards but most of my finger boards are flat so it has not been used to often. I would be reluctant to put a 16" radius on a 6 string board. By the time you sand a 16" radius on to a normal board of between 5/6 mm deep there will not be much finger board left on the edge at the 24th fret. Quite a few have a compound radius to avoid this problem. 16" at the nut but nearer 25" by the 24th.

  7. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1416746906' post='2613088']
    I find the straps too close together at the top and because I'm only 5' 6" tall the bottom of the case slaps against the backs of my thighs when I'm walking. The chaep Ritter gig bag it was supposed to replace was far more comfortable to wear. Also the zip has fsiled near the bottom of the bah so I have to be careful not to zip it open all the way anymore.

    Have a look at the Fusion F1 I think it has a better back pack setup than the Mono. I use both and they both do an excellent job.

  8. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1416481970' post='2610597']
    Im pretty sure if Wal, ACG, Status, Overwater or any of the other UK builders could have a full order book charging £10k an instrument they would do...

    I would settle for getting into the price bracket of the others named in the above.
    Not sure I would be able to charge 10K for a bass even if I could. To my mind there is a limit to what you can do with a bass guitar, a limit to the materials and hardware you can use a limit to how much time you can spend on a bass and a limit to how much I could ask for a bass beyond which I would feel uncomfortable. I have not reached where I want to get to but I have a ballpark in mind for my top of the range it is a lot shy of £10K.

  9. The bass you have was built for the London show that year and no one even asked about it. I think I was the only custom builder there with a left hander and I thought that would be a plus for the brand but it did not work out that way. Happy to build left handers I have two on the books at the moment but reluctant to build for stock.

  10. For two years I built and brought a left hander to the show and over the two shows one person tried one of them. I then had to discount them heavily to sell them. So from the empirical evidence it does not really encourage me to try again. Having talked to other builders about this their experience is the same hence the lack of left handers from custom builders there appears to be little interest.

  11. I am working on the not played one aspect of this. I am currently putting together a bass which will be a loner so people can try out the asymmetric neck , flat finger board and the filter preamp to see if it is for them. Not worked out how best to do this just yet.

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