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Posts posted by skelf

  1. Some new clips and vids in the media section on the website.


  2. I have a MB F1 as well but seldom use the EQ but on the few times I have used it with a passive bass and tried out the EQ and filters it seems pretty powerful to me. Not sure that an on board 3 band would be able to achieve much more other than having the controls on the bass.

  3. You can boost the frequency selected by using the upper ring on the filter stack. You can also use the low mid and hi mid boosts on the push/pull on each filter stack. As I mentioned to you before filter preamps don't work the same way as a cut and boost setup and they certainly don't suit everyone.if you don't like the filters run the bass in passive mode instead of using the filters in the signal chain. The passive is a full bypass taking all the active sections out of the signal chain it will still work without a battery in the bass.

  4. Hi
    The Graft J Type can have an East 2 band active EQ added or an ACG SEQ dual filter pre-amp added but once active they don't have a passive option.. These are both options above the standard passive setup all the details can be found on my website.


  5. A lot depends on how you play as to wither it will work for you. If you have a heavy right hand then the increased tension of the longer scale or a shorter scale with heavier strings is probably going to suit. I have a less than gentle right hand but play a 33" with a 130 B and i find it perfectly fine. A lot also comes down to the feel of the strings a stiffer string will feel it has higher tension on a short scale and that makes a lot of difference in how the bass feels to you. It needs a bit of experimenting. For what it is worth I use DR Sunbeams on my own 6 fretless.

  6. All good from my point of view. Agree with every thing Paul said. Also work really well on basses that are not the usual P bass setup. I use it on two pickup basses as well with the addition of a 4 way rotary selector for the pickups.

  7. Happy to build them but now only to order. I thought the same as you in that building a left hander for the showing knowing there would be very few custom built left handers there would make me stand out and attract some customers but I was completely wrong there was no interest at all.

  8. The previous two years I built a left hander to take to the London bass show. Over the two shows only one bass was tried by one person. I had to discount both basses in order to sell them and even at that it took ages. So at the last show I did not build a left hander and have decided not to build a stock left hand bass again for the simple reason there is very little interest.
    I am quiet happy to build a left handed instrument but would point out that it takes longer to build than the same instrument as a right handed one.

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