Rather tired today so not a lot getting done.
Thanks to my partner in crime Dave for helping out throughout and organising the stage. Thanks to Shaun as always even though he was under the weather from the party on the Friday night. Sandy for stepping up at short notice.
Good to catch up with all the regulars,you know who you are.
Thanks to Manchester Bass Lounge, Overwater, Alpher and Haydn from Williams Guitars all for bring gear along,very much appreciated.
All in all an excellent weekend.
I think we are now where we want to be with regard to numbers. The hotels where pretty much full,the curry house was full and the venue equally so. Since neither myself or Dave wish to grow the event any further which would require moving to a bigger venue outside Moffat this will be what we regard as the optimum setup and what we will be trying to maintain from here on in.
There will be a Facebook page set up for pics to be shared,link will be posted once it is up and running.