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Posts posted by skelf

  1. Time Lapse of the stage area until the iPad ran out of memory,managed to get most of the day.

  2. Rather tired today so not a lot getting done.

    Thanks to my partner in crime Dave for helping out throughout and organising the stage. Thanks to Shaun as always even though he was under the weather from the party on the Friday night. Sandy for stepping up at short notice.
    Good to catch up with all the regulars,you know who you are.

    Thanks to Manchester Bass Lounge, Overwater, Alpher and Haydn from Williams Guitars all for bring gear along,very much appreciated.

    All in all an excellent weekend.

    I think we are now where we want to be with regard to numbers. The hotels where pretty much full,the curry house was full and the venue equally so. Since neither myself or Dave wish to grow the event any further which would require moving to a bigger venue outside Moffat this will be what we regard as the optimum setup and what we will be trying to maintain from here on in.

    There will be a Facebook page set up for pics to be shared,link will be posted once it is up and running.

  3. I have used a bandsaw that size and found it next to useless for cutting anything above 10mm in hardwoods. You cannot get enough tension in the blade to cut a body out the blade will wonder all over the place. I now have a good makita jigsaw and would use it for cutting out a body before a bandsaw that size. If the board you have is swamp ash the jigsaw will go through it fairly easily using a coarse blade with deep gullets to remove the sawdust.
    With bandsaws the bigger the better. They can put more tension on the blade which makes cutting much easier. Small cheap saws have frames that just can't generate the tension needed to produce a consistent cut.
    I use a 6mm blade on the bandsaw for bodies you need a narrow blade to cut a tight radius the width of the blade dictates the minimum radius it can cut. Try to force a wide blade to do a small radius cut puts all kinds of tension into the blade and guides.

  4. Anyone thinking about a ticket has until Friday night to sort it out. We shut up shop on Friday night and has been previously stated there is no pay on the door so if you want to come along you need to get a ticket.

  5. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1394121124' post='2388155']

    Yep I'll get me arse down to the next een. I'm fairly sure that Osprey Guitars is being represented there this year though. :)

    Will that be the purple one.

  6. Hi

    I will go over the protocol such as it is at the curry on the Saturday night.

    Banned Matt to many Gibson basses he had to go.

    Family commitments, he will make a triumphant return next year. At least he had better or words will be had.

  7. I still want one of those 5-string ACG Krells though - Alan, I'll be in touch. :D

    Any time you want to talk Krell it is good for me.

    The organisers don't allocate the spaces. You are basically given first refusal on the stand you had the previous year which took fairly early on and I am sure Martin did the same. With hindsight having five builders all in the same place maybe was not the best way but I did not know GB would be there until I arrived so it is hard to plan out in advance to avoid the collection all in one place. You book your stand and have no control over who will be around you.

    There was a bit of a volume war in our corner but 90% of the people that tried anything on my stand used the headphones so I don't think we contributed to much in that respect. I still did not find the volume to bad I suspect I am getting immune to it. As far as slap goes if you slap a bass well on a stand people stop and listen if you play groove type stuff as the two players I had on the saturday did you get very little attention. So if you want audience you slap so it is encouraged by the people there so I am not sure why everyone seems to hate it but are happy to form a crowd when it is done.

    Myself John East and Haydn Williams might be doing a small gallery show later in the year down in London with a view to having a much more controlled environment in which to try out instruments.

  8. Every bass I have made has an East pre-amp in it. Either one of the East ones or my own filter pre-amps designed and built by John. Even the passive basses have his work in them,he makes up my passive set up as well. So it is fair to say I am a fan of his work.

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