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Posts posted by skelf

  1. My thanks to everyone that dropped by the stand. We had a really good show spoke to loads of people which is the reason for being there. I had no really problem with the volume I have been at shows where it has been far worse. Our next door neighbours where the guys from Rikkers Basses they where excellent company and a real pleasure to be next to.
    The majority of people that tried basses opted for the headphones so I think myself and John might move to only headphones next year. My thanks to Colin Cunningham from Cocos Bassment and MC Ruiz for playing some demos on the stand very much appreicated and for also being great company. Usual thanks to John East for putting up with me. Also thanks to MSL for the loan of a Mark Bass cab.
    I know efforts were made to make sure the Birmingham event was not on the same weekend but fell through, hopefully next year they will not fall on the same weekend.

  2. Last bass ready for the London Show.

    0158Ü Über ART Krell 5.

    Second bass to feature the ART finish. This time we have the Black ART.


    Full details at:


  3. Once again we will be at the show on stand D17 this year a small move from last year.

    ACG will have a wide selection of basses on display to try or buy including two new models, one new range and the introduction of ART tops and finger boards.

    The show sees the launch of the Krell and Krell A Type Single Cut body shapes.

    The show will also see the first outing for the Harlot MKII shape in the form of a short scale (32") scale 6 string.

    The launch of the new Über Graft Series with a special show introductory offer on the two basses at the show and any orders placed at the show.

    Finally the introduction of ART (Acrylic Resin Treated) tops and finger boards will be on show for the first time ever in the Über Spec Series of basses.

    The DFM (Dual Filter Modular) preamp will also be available to try out for those not quiet sure what a filter preamp can do for you.

    Several demos will be held over the weekend.
    On the Saturday.

    Michael Curtis Ruiz and Colin Coco Cunningham will be teaming up to provide a work out for the basses.

    On the Sunday Colin will be flying solo.

    I can even take credit cards this year, which is a good thing or bad depending on your point of view.

    John East will also be on the stand to talk about his extensive range of top quality preamps. These now include the next generation of the U-Retro pre-amp.

    Please feel free to drop by for a chat with either of us over the weekend.

  4. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1392666048' post='2371393']
    Which is why I want one in my life :D

    My pal has a 1970's Alembic series 1 - but for me the Wal pre is so much simpler (and sounds every bit as good).

    You are welcome to drop in any time you are in the area. After the London show there will be instruments to try out.

  5. Didn't think that at all input is always good. It is because of people telling me what they think that has allowed us to refine and hopefully improve the pre-amp. I think with the new version we have pretty much what I think will be the final version,mind you I have said that before.

  6. I have never really used the Alembic pre but we did try to get into the same ballpark with the filters going as high as the Alembic. However I am very familiar with the Wal pre-amp which I think is great. So in re focusing my own agenda it leans more in the direction of the Wal. It will come in 3 variations with the 3K version having pretty much the functionality of the Wal with the added features of the 03. A 4K version of which more details to follow and the 5K which has the active/passive tone control added.

  7. Jazzy you need to try the latest version of the pre-amp the 03 which has been further refined to produce much more control over the all important mids. The push/pull low mid and hid mid controls make a big difference as does the reduced range on the lowpass filters. Having spent years trying to be all things to all men I have had a rethink in order to produce a more focused pre-amp to use with the MC Series of pickups. If you get to London please drop by to hear the new pre-amp. This obviously applies to anyone interested and down at the show.

  8. Also need to add there will be a demo played by Colin Cunningham from Cocosbassment along with his tame drummer.
    Also the guys from Alpher Instruments will be on hand for all things bass related.


  9. [quote name='Badass' timestamp='1391868143' post='2362141']
    Only just found this thread, not subscribed. Awesome background info here. Thanks Alan !

    Pleasure. I hope to have a vid shot at the London show but not sure if I can put it up here since it is not really build related but it will be in the thread in the affiliates section.

  10. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1391640021' post='2359754']
    Wish I could come along, not far from my location either.

    Damn my work commitments :(

    That is a pity maybe next year.

  11. [quote name='edster' timestamp='1391637754' post='2359722']
    Is it looking like some of us will be sharing rooms or is there enough rooms for us all?

    Some will be sharing but I will try to get as many into a room of their own as I can.

  12. A short promo video featuring way to much of me but due to some superb editing from Colin I don't sound like to much of an idiot.

    The intention was to shoot a video that I was not really going to be in so I didn't really prepare anything regarding the talking so I made it up as I was going along which I am sure is fairly apparent.

    The music was composed, played and recorded by Colin using a Recurve 5 and a Krell 6 fretless.

    If you have not been over to Colin's site it is well worth a visit. Transcriptions on request and lessons all of which are free.



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