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Everything posted by skelf

  1. skelf

    Moffat Bass Bash 5

    Hi We are now down to two double rooms left for the weekend ticket. These rooms can be booked as singles. Still plenty of Sunday tickets. Cheers Alan
  2. I have the best rig I have ever owned. Mark bass F500 and an EAD Foundation 212. Completely happy this setup.
  3. Hi Time to start the ball rolling for the next Moffat Bass Bash. As always there are two tickets the weekender and the day ticket. For those interested in the full weekend this kicks of on the Saturday when everyone meets up in the Balmoral public bar before heading down to the local currie house for some food and then back for the late bar in the Balmoral. This ticket covers the bash on the sunday as well as the B&B. Sunday ticket covers the entrance to the bash on the Sunday. Full details are available on the following website. [url="http://www.moffatbassbash.co.uk/"]http://www.moffatbassbash.co.uk/[/url] Tickets can be booked and paid for on the site via Paypal. It is important to buy a ticket if you are planning to come along there is no pay on the door. As always there are a limited number of tickets for the weekend and the Sunday and it is first come first served. If you have any questions contact me and if you have any song suggestions for the Bassyokey contact Dave Perry. Cheers Alan PS. Could those that attended last year and just had to take the ID badges home with them (that will be you Rich) please try to bring them with you.
  4. Hi Just sorting out the website and when that is done I will start a thread in this forum Cheers Alan
  5. I see mention of Adam Nitti on the facebook page. He is down as TBC.
  6. Moffat bash is the first weekend in February. This now the date it will be every year. We will be starting the ball rolling for the next one just shortly.
  7. There is the Moffat Bass Bash first weekend in February. This has been running for the last 5 years.
  8. I can supply 7 string sets including a 165 F# if you are stuck.
  9. I have given up on my iPhone but on the desktop it seems to be working just fine. I know nothing about what is involved with changing everything for the upgrade but I am sure it is not an easy thing to do nor does it take 5 mins. So stick with it despite the less than universal approval.
  10. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1369835' date='Sep 11 2011, 08:43 PM']I just looked at the bid count and the winner bagged it from the first bidder with a few seconds left, Ouch! Can you get an ACG for £1500?[/quote] HI You can certainly get an ACG for £1500.00,honest. Cheers Alan
  11. Hi They are only available through me I am afraid not in any shops. I don't know of anyone that has wired each coil to a separate input and don't know if that would be worth the effort so I would suggest the single pickup version. Should you want to change the single pickup version to a dual input version further down the road this can be done quiet easily. It would require buying a blend control which I can supply. Alan
  12. Plus getting it here and roughly 22% on Vat and duty. You would need to be keen. I am however sure it is beautifully made.
  13. Have you had a look at the USA price on the Solid 4.
  14. Eude is in London but has a Finn single cut. Spumbung as well but he has a full custom. Mark Latimour is also there but with a Finn single cut.
  15. I have indeed seen a single laminate usually wenge move an entire neck blank. This is the reason for letting wood sit as long as possible before cutting it. I also let the wood sit for as long as I can after it has been cut up in to laminate sections. In my case every thing is cut up in to 30 mm wide strips. This is left as long as possible be fore use. A laminated neck with different woods and proper grain orientation is a more stable structure than a single piece. If the single piece does move it all moves the same way. In a laminate neck if one piece moves there are others that don't. With the precautions mentioned above I would always use a laminate neck over a single piece. However there are loads of single piece necks that are just fine.
  16. I don't but I can add they to my current order if you want them.
  17. They do made SS strings but for the same reason as you I always go for nickels.
  18. Just placed a revised order so I will have the following in stock. Power wound nickels. Silencer half wounds Flats Taperwound Guitar strings. Alan
  19. Should be. Just waiting for prices on the flats but I hope to have one price per string set across the whole range.
  20. Ok I have some pricing now. 4 string set will be £17.50 5 string set will be £21.50 6 string set will be £23.50 As an introductory offer this will include UK P&P. Cheers Alan
  21. That is the set I ordered to try out so I will add another. Alan
  22. I think Mark at Bass Direct might sell these.
  23. I have just ordered a set to try myself. So if you want some let me know and I can add them to the order I have just plaecd.
  24. Hi I can now supply SIT strings to anyone that is looking for them. The strings I use on my own basses are the Powerwound Nickel sets in 130/125 105 85 65 45 30. I also stock the ERB string sets from 165 to 007. If you are looking for something different let me know and I can get them including guitar sets. Alan
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