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Posts posted by skelf

  1. Hi
    With all the weekend tickets now sold and time marching on,I thought I would post a reminder about the Bash on the Sunday.
    Sunday the 6th of February kick off 10am.

    We have a very good line up of builders going to be present.
    Jon Shuker
    Chris May
    Haydn Williams

    All available for the day for a chat about their work. I think Chris may well have some of the Tanglewater basses so a great chance to try them out in a band situation.

    We have the house band with a set list of songs so if you feel like getting up and having a run through of a few songs feel free. There will also be several Jam sessions through out the day.

    Discount available at the local Cafe for lunch which is 5 mins walk and provides a break if you feel you need it.
    There will also be tea/coffee and home made buns through out the day.

    Highlight of the day will be a clinic/performance by Stevie Williams. Most of you will know Stevie as the main man behind UK Bassday as well as a respected musician in his own right.

    This is a relaxed bash with a good laugh being important to everyone and if you are in Scotland one of the few opportunities to see a lot of very nice gear without to far to travel.

    All of this for a tenner which I think is a pretty good deal.

    Tickets can be bought on the website.

    There will be no pay on the day so a ticket is a must if you intend to come along.

    This is a non profit making venture,should we have a surplus it will be donated to a local charity.

    Any question myself or Dave Perry will be happy to help.


  2. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1063264' date='Dec 19 2010, 09:54 AM']And in company like Kubicki, Fodera, Wal, ACG and Alembic, thats is no mean feat.[/quote]

    While it is very nice to be included in the above company my prices are no where near Fodera,Wal and Almebic.


  3. I am in the same school of photography as Dave no real interest and let the camera do the clever stuff. I have had a bit more practice through necessity that is the only difference.
    The pics I took can be found here.

  4. The part that bugs me the most was that they knew they could not delivery it but still took the booking made no mention of it being impossible to deliver. They have got the weather to blame so the insurance is void for the next day delivery. If however the bass has been damaged while kicking about their warehouse that should be different. I am hoping all will be well with the bass but if not I will be perusing a claim for any damage done while in their care.

  5. The bass is stuck in an UPS warehouse while they clear the back log of deliveries. If only they had pointed this out before taking the booking and the money.
    So went out on Wednesday for next day delivery and has not moved from Crawley since Thursday.

  6. The song list is there for people who are not as comfortable as you and Dave just getting up and making stuff up as you go along. There were not many that played with the band last time so I am hoping more guys will get up and play if it is something they either know or can learn for the day. Maximum involvement is the name of the game so that everyone has a chance if they want it. Don't want you and Perry playing an hour each again. :)

    Also hope to have more pics and some video this year. I have drafted in my boys to just do that.

  7. I actually had to unpack the bass because I forgot to take any pics of it. And to further confirm how stupid I am I did not take one specifically of the headpiece. This is the first bass to use it and the build that got me in to custom hardware so a pic might have been in order.


  8. A significant amount of that time was spent designing and having machined the custom headpiece on the bass after both ABM and ETS said they would do it then didn't. This involved getting 3D drawings done and finding someone to machine it. Then a sample made for testing a few changes after seeing the sample. Getting the finish right which took two attempts before the right version was found. Then getting the 20 units finally done because getting one done is not even remotely viable. This set the whole project back a long way. I would like to thank Dave Perry for all his work in getting the headpiece sorted out without him it would have taken longer and cost a lot more.


  9. Hi
    We have had a drop out so this opens up a space for the weekend. Either a single or a double can be accommodated.
    Drop me or Dave Perry a PM if you are interested in the space.


  10. [quote name='bigash' post='1030043' date='Nov 20 2010, 12:39 AM']I think i can make the sunday, will be travelling all the way from
    Lochmaben. No ryan air fligts either so will be driving. :)[/quote]

    Quiet a journey best pace yourself.

    Remember to get a ticket.


  11. [quote name='Faithless' post='1029944' date='Nov 19 2010, 09:40 PM']Crap, no Ryanair flights near that date..

    Nearest dates are Feb 3 (Thursday!!) to Edinburgh, and leaving it is either Feb 6 (11:35 departure!!! the meet will be at its pick), or next Thursday Feb 10..

    Complete sh*t..[/quote]

    Nothing into Glasgow.

  12. Hi
    The next MBB has been sorted for the 5/6th of February 2011.

    All the details can be found on the MBB website (link at the bottom of the post).

    This year we have been able to Stevie Williams to do a clinic/performance. (The organiser of UK Bassday)

    Several builders will be on hand on Sunday.
    Jon Shuker
    Haydn Williams
    Are all confirmed.

    The resident band will once more be in attendance but with a set list this year so if jamming is not your thing there will I am sure be something you know or could learn.

    For the weekend tickets the usual B&B plus the curry house and no doubt a few beers.

    All details are on the site.


    This is a ticket only event there will be no paying on the door.
    There are a limited number of weekend tickets left which will be first come first served.

    Contact details are all on the website if you have any questions.


  13. It just plays the same as any other bass you just have more strings to choose from. It is not that difficult to play physically, getting lost on the fret board is a bit of an issue but I am told practise sorts that out. It also helps if you have moved up in the string count gradually. The owner of the bass you linked to was all ready playing a 7 string to the move would not be that difficult. If you only played four strings then the jump would be a struggle. There have been several threads on why would anyone want an ERB all you need is four strings. I don't think they are that helpful and if you want to play a 8/9/10 string bass at the end of the day that is your choice and if all you want is 4 that is equally your choice.

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