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Everything posted by skelf

  1. skelf

    Moffat Bass Bash

    Don't worry about the drinking I am a total light weight not drinking at all. Much more fun watching the hard core guys like Dave slowly slide under the table.
  2. skelf

    Moffat Bass Bash

    Don't think you can really say to much in that department. You looked a bit fragile on the Sunday morning. Still looking for 3 more bodies. This is the best chance to try out high end basses and amps in this part of the world surely there are a few Scottish bass players that would be interested.
  3. skelf

    Moffat Bass Bash

    Still looking for a few more people for the over night on Saturday.
  4. skelf

    Moffat Bass Bash

    Got the F500 in today so will bring it along. I should have a Recurve 6 single cut ready and the chambered Skelf 5 fretless. Also the one and only Graft 5 Harlot. Alan
  5. skelf

    Moffat Bass Bash

    Still looking for three more punters to fill the day.
  6. skelf

    Moffat Bass Bash

    Looking for 3 more takers for the overnight stay on the Saturday.
  7. skelf

    Moffat Bass Bash

    Peter Would you like to be the official photographer for the weekend.
  8. skelf

    Moffat Bass Bash

    If you look as rough as you did last time I will laugh even more. Only person that looked in the same ballpark as you was Dave.
  9. skelf

    Moffat Bass Bash

    Hi Down to 3 places now. If you want to appear on the Sunday that is fine just let me know please. Alan
  10. skelf

    Moffat Bass Bash

    Hi I have put together a small bash taking place in Moffat on the weekend 31st/1st Oct/Nov. Limited places available with B&B sorted out at £30.00 for the Saturday night. Also going out for a curry on the Saturday night everyone will be paying the same. Bash in the local theatre on the Sunday. I have 6 places left if anyone is interested. Cheers Alan
  11. Could you please explain that. What is the difference between EQ'ing something and colouring the sound. This is not a smart arse reply I really want to know how you define the difference. I have always regarded EQ'ing something as colouring the sound and also thought that was the purpose of using a pre-amp.
  12. [quote name='thedontcarebear' post='614763' date='Oct 2 2009, 01:24 PM']I have an ACG with an ACG preamp already! And to tell the truth, the preamp is one of the reasons I rarely play it, although I may take it to next practice to give it another go. The pickups in the Shuker that I want are the Delano JMVC 4 FE/M2, which I think are what is in my Sandberg.[/quote] Quiet happy to swap out the pre-amp for an East unit if you want something more familiar. An East U Retro should fit in the bass.
  13. Just bought several Leatherman multi tools for John. Excellent transaction, goods were spot on and the price was fantastic if you are looking for one of these you will not get them any cheaper and you are dealing with a top flight guy. Alan
  14. Don't get your hopes up to high for the "proper" pictures to be much better. It is a matter of record that I am crap with a camera.
  15. I know you are not having a dig just thought I would post the progress in here rather than mail you.
  16. Just gearing up to start the wet sanding which as you can imagine is not my favourite job. Hope to have that done by the weekend and on to the polishing.
  17. I would suggest that the BTB is your best bet. I have used several of them and they are excellent units. Alan
  18. The ACG filter pre-amp differs from a normal cut and boost EQ (all the other EQ's mentioned in this thread) in that it uses a lowpass filter and a highpass filter instead of low/mid/treble of a normal EQ. So when using a filter pre-amp you are not cutting or boosting a specific frequency you are letting that frequency through the filter. In the case of the lowpass filter think of it as a door. With the door fully closed you have only the bass frequencies present but as you open the door you start to let higher frequencies through so more low mids and as you continue to open the filter (door) you let increasing amounts of higher frequencies through. This is what the lower ring of the lowpass filter does. The upper ring of the filter allows you to add gain to the frequency set by the lower ring. Think of it as a resonance control. The good thing about a lowpass filter is that the bass is always present. The high pass filter works the other way round. If you are used to using the normal EQ it does take a slight rethink on how you use the pre-amp to get the best results. But half an hour using it and you will have found loads of usable tones. The filter pre-amp works particularly well with fretless.
  19. There are some sound clips on TB with the EQ02 in the above bass. [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=429951&page=5"]Link to clips.[/url] The guys user name is Kesslari.
  20. It is like all these pre-amps mentioned above nobody likes them all. Some people love the filter pre-amps some don't get on with them which is only to be expected. I would be the first to tell you that it will not suit everyone. The 01 version the DCB has is a bit more complicated to use live than the 02 version but the 01 is not any harder to use than a 4 band standard EQ and some 3 band EQ's it is just that most players know how the cut/boost type work and have used them at some point. I find 4 band EQ's very hard work. I have used filter pre-amps for years having previously used Wal's for a long time so I find them easy to get on with but from a back ground of the normal EQ I can see why they cause some problems when you first encounter them. Peter is also right a bit of understand about how it works does help the process along a bit.
  21. [quote name='ped' post='534279' date='Jul 6 2009, 11:15 PM']If you call up Mr. East you could try his outboard Jretro (possibly he has the ACG too) with your very own bass. He is based near Oxford just on the M40.[/quote] I think John still has both in a box so you can switch between them. There is a bit of a learning curve with the filter pre-amp if you are used to using a standard cut/boost type EQ. Should not take you to long to get used to it if you spend some time just using it. Cheers Alan
  22. The set up I use in my own basses is as follow. Two mag pickups plus the piezo. The bridge pickup and the piezo are switchable so you can have the following combinations. Both mag pickups or the piezo and the neck pickup. This means that the bridge pickup or the piezo feeds one of the lowpass filters in the pre-amp giving you full EQ over which ever one you choose,it also means that the blend on the pre-amp will work as normal for the mag pickups or the piezo and mag. There is only one mini switch more with regard to controls. I use the Hipshot Type A bridge with the Graphtech saddles and have had no problems with them to date. The only thing I have to add to them is an attenuater because the output from them is really high so I need that to balance the volume between the piezo and the neck pickup. Alan
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