Excellent strings. I have several custom sets made by Neil to suit three different scale lengths. Very happy with them and will be using them exclusively, also like to buy British when possible.
If you are interested in hand crafted guitars and basses this is one of the best shows to pay a visit to.
I will be exhibiting a selection of basses and two new guitar models.
No that would be to sort a phase issue between the two pickups. You can however try it but I am fairly sure it will not be that that is causing any noise. Before you move anything make sure you take a picture of the wiring so it can be outback the way it was.
Have you tried the bass anywhere else to see if the problem is following the bass or if it is in one particular place. Does it still happen through headphones.
There are two wires from each pickup going to the filter boards a green (cold) and red (hot).
Take the wires out of the screw terminals.
Take a piece of wire put it into the hot screw terminal and then into the cold screw terminal forming a loop. Do this for both pickup inputs.
The Uber Graft was the top of the range in the Graft Series and as pointed out the whole Series was discontinued and replaced with the Standard Series.
The suggestion to try the bass else where was to see if the problem was specific to the location or if it was a constant irrespective of the location.
To check if the noise is being caused by the pre-amp do the following..
Disconnect the pickups from each filter board, screw terminals so no soldering required.
Then with a small piece of wire connect the hot and cold together on each filter board. This removes any input from the pre-amp then plug in the bass and if the there is no noise the pre-amp is not the problem.
Since you mentioned the noise goes away when you move the bass I am inclined to think the bass is picking up an external signal which Mr castle alluded to regarding dimmers.
Once had a bass with a constant ticking sound which took ages to work out, turned out it was an electric fence next to the house.
With no previous history of this problem with the bass either something in the bass has changed or something external is having an effect on the bass. As I mentioned if you want to send the bass back to be check over that is not problem but worth eliminating anything in situ if at all possible.
A mini not sure which version but had it for a few years. The main reason I would buy a new one is to run Flux I think it is the first effects program that I have used in a long while that steps outside what I would call the usual suspects. NI Molekular does some of the same kind of things but Flux is easier to use. The NI one I use inside Digital Performer but once again my desktop is getting long in the tooth and struggles.
[quote name='three' timestamp='1462526672' post='3043729']
I'm pleased that Fodera are addressing the 'lack' in tonal response that frequently characterises other headless instruments. It was a relief to hear too that there's a complementary pack of strings. I'm conflicted now - do I sell my Streamline and go for the MG, or just live with its tonal inferiorities? I'd still have my old Status Series II but it's a great big bulky thing and a lot of people have remarked on its tonal limitations too
As with any bass builder I suppose how you choose to market your product is to a degree an extension of what you think is important. Unique selling points are hard to come by so any you feel you have should be mentioned. Care and attention to all aspects of the build are very important but above a certain point I think it is fair to assume these are a given and not an USP as such. Personally I have spent a great deal of time on the pickups and electronics because I am looking for a set of sounds that I like so I tend to mention those above other aspects of the bass. The pre-amp is to a degree an USP. It is not the only filter pre-amp but it is the only one with that set of features and the DFM is only available in my instruments. However I don't think I neglect the other aspects because of that. I am always looking for feedback about what works what could be better from anyone. But I am my own harshest critic and generally that drives what I do.
I can't imagine any builder building a bass without sound/playability as a major factor. I use many fancy woods but I don't see how that means that playability/sound is not taken in to account.You seem to be equating plain with playable not sure I can agree with that. Every builder I know is on a constant quest to improve all aspects of their instruments Mr Stenbeck is in no way the exception in that respect maybe his marketing is better than most, in which case well done to him.
Facebook group for those that are interested in what is going on at the Bash and future MBB.
[color=#141823][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The option to buy a Sunday ticket will be coming down from the website on Friday night. After that no tickets, there is no pay at the door.[/font][/color]
[quote name='patch006' timestamp='1455827424' post='2982836']
Ha that would be quite a drive! My finn would like it back up there though
Sorry I have you mistaken for someone else who is going to the bash.