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Everything posted by Panamonte

  1. I picked up one of these last year - G&L Tribute ASAT Deluxe - just a shade under £400 from Thomann. If it's versatility you're after, this has certainly got it. The pickups are coil tapped so you can get a full range of humbucker and single coil sounds. I find it a real pleasure to play. And it's really pretty [url="http://s1187.photobucket.com/user/panamonte/media/GLTS-ASTDCT-TRNSBLK-12001.jpg.html"][/url]
  2. I ordered one direct from Hipshot in November 2011. The bridge itself was $120 (I think) and I then had to pay Parcelforce Worldwide £32.95 to get it released once it reached the UK. I suspect that ordering from Bass Direct would be cheaper, but they only had chrome Supertones and I wanted a black one.
  3. The combination I use is Fender '62 RI and DiMarzio Ultrajazz. Presumably because neither of them is single-coil I don't get that classic J bass mid-scoop when I select both pick ups together. So my suggestion would be to get a split-coil replacement for your bridge pickup.
  4. [url="http://s1187.photobucket.com/user/panamonte/media/pedalboard.jpg.html"][/url] I've been using more effects over the last year and setting up was becoming a time-consuming PITA so I bit the bullet and put my first board together. Tah-dah! Very pleased with the results so far, but maybe I should look for a smaller phaser
  5. I bought a Boss LS-2 from Matt. Met up with him - he had the pedal, I had the cash. Simple. Good comms beforehand. Nice bloke to deal with. Thanks Matt.
  6. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1398842380' post='2438053'] A number of example bands that I thought about came down to a tie between the bassist and the drummer. E.g. 801 (Manzanera, Eno, Wetton, Phillips if I remember correctly), and The Attractions (including Elvis Costello). I'd also agree with the comments above (including TimR) about musicians who are very technically skilled but lack some sort of musicality. Phil Manzanera isn't technically fantastic, but often what he plays is just so tasteful and right for the song. (I'd still rate Wetton as a musician over him, just). Brian Eno is limited as a musician, but is innately very musical). Robert Fripp is a musician for whom I don't find his solo music that involving, but he seems to come alive when he collaborates with other musicians, such as Bowie, Eno, or Sylvian. Similar for Percy Jones. I really enjoy his playing with other artists, but when I listen to Brand X, I appreciate the technical prowess of the playing, but the music doesn't grab me. Pat Methany has less technically complex music, but it's far more musical. But, this is a difference in compositional ability, rather than technical prowess. [/quote] Bill MacCormick was the bass player in 801...
  7. [quote name='lowlandtrees' timestamp='1398757917' post='2437189'] The story (true or false!!)about John Paul Jones explaining to Jimmy Page about the difference between a third and a minor third (or something like that)sums it up for me. [/quote] Probably false, given that both of them were already in demand session musicians when they first met. But to address the OP, the original question ignores the fact that bands are all about the musical relationship that exists among the players, so the notion of trying identify one member as being a 'better' musician than the others misses the point entirely. I think there's another thread about bands being more than the sum of their parts and I certainly believe that all the bands whose music I enjoy demonstrate a creative synergy that can't be laid at the door of one individual.
  8. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1398642244' post='2436193'] On-topic: Bootsy Collins in any band he's ever played in? [/quote] 'Better' than everyone else in the J.B.s? Really?????
  9. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1396808475' post='2417578'] I love the orchestral album she made a few years ago - [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKQSlH-LLTQ"]https://www.youtube....h?v=tKQSlH-LLTQ[/url] Great orchestration by Vince Mendoza. [/quote] I really like Travelogue too - it's wonderful how her voice has changed over the years. I don't think any of the versions necessarily outshine the originals (although Sire of Sorrow is pretty extraordinary), but it's a beautiful, aching listen. Very hard to choose a favourite album, let alone song, but I think everything from Ladies of the Canyon through to Hejira is pretty much flawless. I never tire of listening to Joni.
  10. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1396473424' post='2414202'] they have that [i]je ne sais quoi [/i]about them... [/quote] Yup, they just say: [i]je suis un rock star [/i]
  11. [URL=http://s1187.photobucket.com/user/panamonte/media/images.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1187.photobucket.com/albums/z394/panamonte/images.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  12. £49 to £135 I believe.
  13. I agree that Songs For a Taylor and Harmony Row are both very good albums that show JB's songwriting and (multi-instrumental) playing at their best. But - if you haven't already checked them out - I would also recommend Somethinels, Monkjack and More Jack Than God.
  14. This is where I've been going for the past 4 years. Good rooms, quality gear, friendly staff. http://brightonelectric.co.uk/
  15. John Giblin (or possibly Del Palmer). And yeah, ssssshhhhhhhhh - let's keep this to ourselves, I don't think anyone else has noticed 😉 I'm supposed to be on a mandatory course which starts at 9.30 next Friday. Looks like my train may be delayed 😊
  16. Thank you - I can't walk past it without picking it up now
  17. So this is my Squier CV Jazz which I bought back in 2010. I replaced the stock p/ups with Wizard 84s and put LaBella 760FS flats on it the same year, but I've recently treated it to a new pickguard and knobs and done the series/parallel mod (hence the toggle switch). it really is delight to play. That is all. [url="http://s1187.photobucket.com/user/panamonte/media/Squier%20CV/20140227_074440.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1187.photobucket.com/user/panamonte/media/Squier%20CV/20140227_074541.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1187.photobucket.com/user/panamonte/media/Squier%20CV/20140227_072543.jpg.html"][/url]
  18. [quote name='ML94' timestamp='1393425005' post='2380101'] Why do they have fanned frets ? I've always thought it looked stupid but I'm interested in the reason behind the funny looking frets [/quote] From the Dingwall website: [b] WHY FANNED-FRETS?[/b] [font=inherit][font=inherit]The frets are fanned to allow for a longer scale on the bass side and a shorter scale on the treble side of the instrument. This solves a few problems: 1) No longer will the B-string sound darker and less distinct compared to the other strings. 2) The G-string retains warmth and normal tension compared to extending the scale of all strings. 3) You will no longer have to adjust your attack depending on which string is being played due to the more even tension from string to string. 4) You will no longer find the tone adjustments for one string interfering with another due to the more even tone across the strings. 5) You will no longer be unheard and ignored by your audience due to the combination of the longer scale low strings and the even tonality across all the strings.[/font][/font]
  19. [url="http://www.paulmartinezmusic.com/"]http://www.paulmartinezmusic.com/[/url] Evidently he's very busy as he doesn't seem to have time to populate his website with any useful information
  20. Another satisfied customer. Got an Akai Miniak from them back in November at the best online price AND got a pair of Sennheiser headphones thrown in for free.
  21. [quote name='untune' timestamp='1392076376' post='2364517'] [url="http://www.musicradar.com/reviews/guitars/subzero-tube-h5-5w-mini-stack-574730"]http://www.musicrada...ni-stack-574730[/url] Seems favourable, can't really argue for less than a hundred! [/quote] Definitely sounds like it's worth a go - thanks very much for the link.
  22. Anyone had any experience with the Sub Zero valve amps that gear4music are flogging? http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/SubZero-Tube-H5-Guitar-Amp-Head/NE1 Obviously there's only so much that you can expect at that price point, but I'd be interested to know whether they're worth taking a punt on, or not worth touching with a bargepole!
  23. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1391973462' post='2363184'] Blimey! As if the L2000 doesn't have enough options already [/quote] It's a fair point
  24. Sounds like you may get yours from the same place that I did! I also paid £5. They're an outfit called GVC Digital - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MPN-1M46T1B5M1QE-Switch-Solder-Tag-4Pdt-On-On-On-MULTICOMP-Pack-of-1-/261357525309? They were the only suppliers I could find in the UK and still a lot cheaper than what companies in the US and Germany were charging.
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