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Everything posted by dmckee

  1. Bought this on a whim, and although it's a superb bass, I'm playing mainly short scale basses just now (and I need to finance a new build project!) Perfect condition, never gigged, stunning roasted maple neck, recently had pro setup, a whole lot of bass for the money. Perfectly balanced, weighs only 8.5lbs, has Dunlop Straplocks fitted, and currently has D'Addario Chromes on it, although can change to rounds if preferred. Local pickup preferred.
  2. I got this bass on a shop trade-in against a faulty bass I had to return, so it's basically brand new. I'd wanted to try one for ages, and while it sounds BRILLIANT, I've found that I prefer the contoured body on the Vintera II Mustang I have. Only changes are Dunlop straplocks, and I've fitted Hipshot USA Ultralites to reduce the weight (now 7.5lbs). Can sell with these tuners (and include the old tuners) or can swap them back for £100 less than stated price. Local pickup in Edinburgh preferred.
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  3. Thanks guys. You’ve summed up what I’m feeling pretty well. Waiting to hear back from GG just now, but as you say @neepheid it has turned a bass I really did love into a bit of an annoyance. It’s worse too as, even if I got the money back, finding a replacement is pretty hard, given the lack of G&Ls coming in now….
  4. So I discovered back in August that the truss rod on my 1 year old USA L2000 didn’t work. Took it back to GuitarGuitar and they contacted G&L, who agreed to supply me with a new neck. We waited 4 months for a new one to arrive, and when it did, it ALSO had a non-functioning truss rod, and a huge bow. So, GG reported that and G&L said they’d ship another one. It came last week, nearly 5 months after requesting it. Tech fitted it, but when I brought it home I discovered 2 things: - they’d fitted standard black dot markers where the previous one had nice black pearl ones (like my Fallout has). - the string positioning is out as the nut seems really badly cut. And if I’m being really picky, the new neck is heavier than the old one, increasing the overall weight by about 4oz I think, but also giving the bass a very slight neck heaviness (it’s a light Western Pine body), which is a pity as it previously was perfectly balanced. The nut is replaceable easily enough (which I’m sure GG will do), but not sure what else to do. Do I ask for another new one, or money back, or what? Feeling quite disappointed and let down, especially after waiting so long….. None of this shows G&L up in a very good light at all, which is a shame as I do love their basses. Here’s the new L2000 neck, then my Fallout for comparison.
  5. I think the Legends work nicely on the Mustang, tonally. Pretty mellow. It came with LaBella DTFs on it, which I find a bit too thuddy and dark. The Legends sound somewhere between the DTFs and the Chromes I have on my Fallout, but possibly closer to the DTFs? Tension-wise, I would say they’re quite similar to the Chromes actually. I do prefer them with a decent bit of tension, I have to say…. I like the feel of them too. Interestingly, I’m just trying a set of Legends on one of my long scales, and they seem to have perceptible difference between the E string, which sounds pretty dead, compared to the other 3. This isn’t a problem with the short scale ones, which are nice and even across the strings.
  6. Apologies if this basic question is somewhere else, but I can’t find it. I’ve recently put some DR Legends on my Mustang. I really like them, but I know they’re long (34” ball to taper), which is fine on the Mustang with through body stringing, but can I put them on my Fallout? Ie will a flatwound be ok if I wind past the end of the taper onto the tuner (as I think I’d need to do with the E string at least). I assume not and don’t want to trash a string unnecessarily. A bit annoying that DRs short scale isn’t actually short scale….
  7. Yeah, I know what you mean. I’m thinking of getting a short scale made for me by a local luthier and just reflecting on what body shape I might go for…. Loving the Vintera II Mustang I bought recently, but it’s a little bit neck heavy… also love my Fallout but it too has a bit of that and would like the bridge a little bit further back on the body… and I’m very fond of my L2000…. So I need some kind of hybrid of all of them! So yeah, what IS the perfect short scale bass body shape? 😃
  8. I’ve not tried a Lionel or a short scale Stingray, but with short scale versions of originally long scale basses like those, is the body actually smaller than original? Like, is it actually just scaled down, and if so, by how much?
  9. I’ve just noticed that M2500 has through body stringing. Didn’t know G&L had a bridge that did that. Interesting….
  10. Nice one!
  11. Down to £750. Hmmm. 🤔
  12. Red isn’t for me, but if anyone’s interested, there’s a bargain-priced CLF L1000 on eBay just now….. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/186798811473?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=oCTjfIILT5K&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=TD0J1DOyQvS&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  13. I have 3 G&Ls (2 USA and 1 Tribute, all great) but have been casually looking for a lightweight CLF L1000 for a while….
  14. Nice. I assume you’re in the US. No G&Ls to be found in the UK. ☹️
  15. How’s the balance? (I’ve been looking at Mustangs for a while now and have been put off any I’ve tried because of neck dive).
  16. dmckee


    Both the Lakland Hollowbody basses (long and short scale) have rounded edges and are pretty comfortable. Also, the latest Reverend Fatfish 32 has a bit of a contour.
  17. Argh, thanks. I’ve got a while to wait then! Nice bass btw. Just as well it’s not a 4…..
  18. How long did it take your new neck to come btw? My L2000 truss rod is also broken and am waiting on them to send a new neck….
  19. Has anyone tried this bass? https://reverendguitars.com/basses/basshouser-fatfish-32/
  20. Conversely, I moved to thicker plectrums a few years ago, as I found I got a slightly mellower tone from them, which I preferred.
  21. Cheers for that! Always wondered.
  22. Daft question, but when I see ‘Recent Status Updates’ down the right on the home page, where are folk posting those Status Updates in the first place??
  23. This is a cool bass, but given they’re selling brand new for £879, maybe you’d consider reviewing your asking price?
  24. @kjfitzy - @admiralchew pointed this one out to me, on Reverb. https://reverb.com/p/g-l-clf-research-l-1000, if you’re still looking. (Looks lovely but I’m holding out for a lightweight one).
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