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Everything posted by Kees_SoS

  1. What a beauty! I saw another Artisan with the same recess in the body yesterday, so it must have been a standard feature. Were I not saving for a custom Overwater at the moment, I'd be seriously interested in this one. Good luck with the sale!
  2. Chris May had mentioned his friend Rick who had briefly been in Crimson to me a number of times, but I've only just got round to finding out who we was talking about. What a monster player! Interesting Overwater, too, with the recess near the neck, presumably for slapping.
  3. Wow! It's very unusual to see an Overwater on Marktplaats. Do you still have the bass? I've been using them for years. What kind of headstock does it have, BTW? A Progress headstock or the Original Series type? [quote name='JanSpeeltBas' timestamp='1245742774' post='521412'] Well, here it is! I really love it...more pictures after I've cleaned her up...there's no serial no., only the marking 1/2 at the side of the control cavity. Really like to know the 'official' model name. Thanks Chris, you build awesome basses that deserve much more attention beyond the UK. And thank you BB for your posts - The seller turned out a real nice guy and actually let it go for the equivalent of GBP 375. Incredible! [/quote]
  4. ;-) [quote name='pierreganseman' timestamp='1367573374' post='2067024'] Oh don't worry, I'll take good care of that bass :-p [/quote]
  5. Indeed it is ;-) Good to see you here, although I'm still sorry to see you parting with your 'Ray. It sounds as though it was made for you. [quote name='ato71' timestamp='1367509418' post='2066196'] Hey Kees, the world's getting smaller and smaller: nice to meet you here too Alessio [/quote]
  6. And yes, it is the bass I saw at bassgear.co.uk. I thought it was too much of a coincidence ;-)
  7. I apologise if you thought my asking you about the switches was 'uncool'. I certainly was not trying to 'shoot your thread down', and I was somewhat surprised by your reaction. A little precious, if you ask me. After all, I did say I thought the switches looked original and wasn't trying to make any kind of point. I was simply curious about the deviation, as such things are fairly common on pre-EB MMs (which I also said). Moreover, isn't discussion what forums are all about? If you're selling something, you shouldn't have a problem with answering questions about it 'in the open'. Either way, I agree that your price is very reasonable (I paid more for my fretless Sabre two years ago), so good luck with the sale. [quote name='pierreganseman' timestamp='1367510815' post='2066233'] If you are talking about the one that used to be at bassgear.Co.uk . It's the same bass they had. I know Barrie quite well and they shipped it to me. I really feel this could be done with PM's. Doubting in the open wether this bass is original or not is really not a cool thing to do(even for something as small as a switch. One way or another £1388 is still VERY underpriced compared to shop prices. As I had this bass for a few month, I have no way to check wether the switches are %100 original or not. Do you? then please PM me ... Last time some one asked on the Thread wether the angle of the strings was normal at the bridge. Then I started getting PM "are you sure this bass is playable?? it really looks weird to me..." From people taking the first chance available to basically shot my thread down. I have done many transaction without a single problem, have shipped around the world. I am open to discussion on anything regarding "original or not". And so I would be ready to revise any price if any one would end up being right. Still £1388 : underpriced. In the open... not cool... [/quote]
  8. I noticed that all of the mini-switches on the bass are black. They look original, but the back switch (for the treble boost function) should usually be white. The reason I'm mentioning this is that I saw this exact same deviation on an identical bass (sunburst ebony fretless Sabre) for sale in England a couple of months ago. Consequently, it's very likely yours is from the same batch. If the switches are all original, it will simply be a case of MM using whatever they had in stock, which they often did when certain parts were out of stock. For instance, I've seen numerous StingRays with Sabre necks and vice versa. Do you know whether the switches are original? The reason I'm asking is that identical replacement switches for Sabres are impossible to find, and I'd like to have a stock of spares.
  9. A beauty! I own a black '79 rosewood fretless. I'd have this one like a shot, but for the fact that I'm saving for a custom order. Good luck with the sale!
  10. Wow! She really is a beauty. Never seen a white Bicentennial before. Even if she is refinished, it wouldn't put me off in this particular case. Good luck with the sale.
  11. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1364756267' post='2030519'] Go for it! And I hope you'll start a thread in the Build Diaries section with plenty of progress pics. [/quote] Will do!
  12. [quote name='Leen2112' timestamp='1364821738' post='2031230'] Hello, I think you must be talking about my green fretless (the link doesnt work) Yup, what Martin said Is true. The electrics were working but not in very good condition. To get the volume pot fixed they ended up scrapping it all and as old parts arent made anymore they custom made (bodged) some new ones in. I find the weight not very balanced but as I don't use it for gigs It's not a problem. I couldnt say how much difference the old electrics compare as in tone etc as I pretty much took it to Overwater as soon as I got it. Sorry if this reply is a year out of date, I just saw it today when it re-surfaced. Cheers Leen. [/quote] Yes, I was referring to your bass, Leen. We spoke about it on the Overwater page on Facebook a while back. It's an absolute beauty! I've never seen another in that colour. Please let me know should you ever decide to part with it, as I want to add a fretted/fretless pair of '80s Original Series to my collection at some point.
  13. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1359918965' post='1962059'] A friend of mine, and a bloody good player, Rod Clements, was in the studio yesterday with his.... [/quote] This looks like a really early one, with the carved body, more extreme headstock shape and Bill Lawrence pickups. Thanks for sharing! Any more Original Series freaks out there? I'll be ordering a custom five-string within the next few weeks.
  14. The Holy Grail!
  15. I've decided not to sell these beauties after all. I don't know what I was thinking ;-) Could someone please remove this post?
  16. Wow! I've never seen one of those before. Interesting.
  17. Wow! That Sabre is indeed stunning. The shade of brown is also a little darker than I've seen on other examples. Shame the black and white mini-switch caps are missing, though. It's a common problem with early Sabres, and I've never been able to find identical ones anywhere. MM couldn't help either. Does anyone know where I could source some?
  18. [quote name='dafonky' timestamp='1360497742' post='1971173'] For your sabre 80' with Frets And rosewood neck [/quote] PM'd.
  19. I noticed you also groundwounds on yours. I use GHS Pressurewounds, which I think gives a similar effect.
  20. A friend of mine has a black one with the ebony board, too, but it has the 'straight truss rod' problem that many example from '80 onwards had. Funnily enough, I've been having doubts about parting with the fretless, and pretty well everyone is saying, 'don't do it', even my girlfriend. Just out of interest, what settings do you tend to use on yours, and how do you set the amp in relation to it? Fretless Sabres are indeed rare, although for some reason there seem to be more about than usual at the moment. I know of two ebony-boarded examples up for sale in England, which I'd be curious to try, as my fretless Sabre is the only one I've ever played on. Tony Franklin used a natural '80 ebony-boarded with The Firm, which looked and sounded amazing. I mailed him about it a couple of years ago, but he'd sold it shortly after their first tour :-( Could you perhaps post a couple of pics of your Sabre? I'd love to see it.
  21. Wow! Sweet. If I could just shift one of my pre-EB Sabres...
  22. Beautiful example. Not quite the right time for me at the moment, but I've wanted one from this era in this colour for years.
  23. Is this the one they had in the Bass Gallery a while ago? I played on it and it was something else.
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