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cris the man

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Everything posted by cris the man

  1. [quote name='ahpook' post='91117' date='Nov 19 2007, 09:27 PM']well it certainly wasn't cheap ! i love it though - i'm trying out for a krautrock/drone band tomoz...if i'm in i'll deffo see about playing the vi[/quote] is that a jaguar? man i hate the bridges on those , worst design ever i had one for a for a day and the bridge just went the stirng come off the little indents still , i suppose thats what makes it such a great guitar rock n roll!
  2. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='89997' date='Nov 17 2007, 07:28 PM']Or sliding a note on a fretless [/quote] can't play a fretless too well , i don't have one and also i tend to get quarter tones above the note or below it , i find it very difficult vibrato - never tried that , ill have to give it a go
  3. [quote name='Sibob' post='89877' date='Nov 17 2007, 02:06 PM']Whammy pedals give you pitch-shifting and harmonising effects, not tremolo effects! I'd say thats about right for a 6er bridge with a unique trem system. Thats before you add the price of having someone rout out the necessary hole! What will you actually be using it for mate? Si[/quote] dno really , just kinda les claypool stuff i like him hes good , also some bass solos just need that kinda pitch shift when u sustain a note to make it more lively u no?
  4. [quote name='cris the man' post='89480' date='Nov 16 2007, 04:19 PM']dang [/quote] just had a look on the website - OMFG! $529! thats like £260
  5. [quote name='Alun' post='89360' date='Nov 16 2007, 01:12 PM']I don't think Floyd do bass bridges ( but may be wrong) but even if they do, I would imagine the routing is going to be pretty extensive - much more than the Kahler - due to the way Floyds work. John Patitucci had a great system on one of his Yamaha TRB6s - a fixed bridge for the BE and A and a whammy on the top three strings.Alas, I've never seen another one. Cheers, Alun[/quote] dang
  6. [quote name='Bloodaxe' post='89214' date='Nov 16 2007, 03:14 AM']Operator error![/quote] mmmm its just im a bit scared to operate on my 6 , it seems so fragile Dont floyd rose make trem bridges? maybe if i write them a nice letter?
  7. [quote name='Alun' post='89116' date='Nov 15 2007, 08:19 PM']Yeah, it is possible. You will find some variation in the way they're notated as they're not "standard" in western music, but the way I was taught was to use a normal flat sign with a diagonal line through the stem for a quarter tone flat and a sharp sign with only one vertical line for a quarter tone sharp. Cheers, Alun[/quote] ah wow , thanks usually i thought it was just as string bend but sometimes people bend more than others , i dont usually bend
  8. i'd love a wammy bar for my bass ( tremelo arm ) however , i want it on my 6 string i believe this requires a new bridge , but i find my bridge really good does anyone know where to get a 6 string bridge with a wammy bar attachable thingymabob?
  9. ive recently discovered on my friends fretless jazz bass about quartertones i understand how to mark out semitones , as in accidentals and key signatures is it possible to mark out a quarter tone on a musical score?
  10. [quote name='Alun' post='89084' date='Nov 15 2007, 07:11 PM']I'm assuming you're talking about thumb direction? If so, then ultimately it comes down to what works for you. If you're into double thumbing, then horizontal works best as your thumb is parallel to the string,. Only thing I'd say with diagonal is that you need to be be careful that the tip of your thumb doesn't catch adjacent strings accidentally. Cheers, Alun[/quote] ah right , thanks
  11. as ive seen in videos , mark king and sometimes les claypool and other slap gods play slap bass in a very verticle position , on the other hand my bass teacher plays very horrizontal , i play diagonally but it seems verticle reigns superior , whats the best position?
  12. [quote name='7string' post='85186' date='Nov 7 2007, 11:35 PM']It makes a big difference not having the metal rails across the 'board !! Takes some time to get used to how it feels and how to play it in tune. It's definately worth the time & effort though...[/quote] thanks for the reassurance chaps
  13. i played my friends fretless bass for the 1st time the other day its crazy , i suddenly noticed that my hands were slipping down the fretboard is this normal?
  14. my amp broke - the cone just disintergrated i bought a new one im a genius no?
  15. [quote name='MB1' post='77047' date='Oct 20 2007, 05:34 PM']MB1. Just say No!....... thats how it starts, the occasional fluffy strap with friends, and then before you know its??????[/quote] LMAO my friend has a tin foil strap now its funny
  16. [quote name='nick' post='77161' date='Oct 20 2007, 10:38 PM']My next project is one of these, apparently solves this problem & I'm tired of modding/adapting guitar pedals for bass. Though I'm not sure if these are commercially available or not - maybe someone should start making them(?) [url="http://moosapotamus.net/THINGS/paraloop.htm"]http://moosapotamus.net/THINGS/paraloop.htm[/url] Hope this of some use/info Cheers[/quote] cheers m8
  17. [quote name='eude' post='76441' date='Oct 19 2007, 11:58 AM']He bud, I'm no expert, but there's a load of pedals out there designed to combat that problem. Bass specific distortion pedals with a blend function so you can mix your clean signal with a bit of dirt. Boss, DOD, Digitech, even Berhinger do them. There's also a few pedals out there that work well just by pure fluke like the EHX Big Muff. I'm sure some folks will chime in here, there's a lot of people on here that love distortion! Hope that's some help dude! Eude[/quote] mmmm , i was thinking of getting a EHX little big muff , they are good aparently , you get that kinda muse sound on it
  18. [quote name='Matty' post='76512' date='Oct 19 2007, 01:37 PM']You play bass in a band called Senduri right?[/quote] yeah , thats right
  19. whenever i need distaution i struggle. adding distaution simply saps all the bass out of my bass , are there any pedals that add more bass while adding distaution / fuzz?
  20. [quote name='bassboy115' post='76380' date='Oct 19 2007, 10:35 AM']i wanna get a zebra one or a leapard print one but...owell ill just stick to my plain black one for now![/quote] i have a leopard skin one , that was the first one i got , rebel from the start i was yeah , crazy straps are good i want a metal one so i can put fridge magnets on it any other crazy ideas?
  21. found out a kool technique today if ur palying a jazz piece on an electric bass that is actually performed on a double bass - if u fingerpick on the fretboard instead of over the pickups it sounds a bit more like a DB , clever stuff!
  22. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='75882' date='Oct 18 2007, 07:00 AM']dammit, it sounds like i'm the only freedom oppressor here. you have your pink fluffy strap then actually that getm getm probably sell them[/quote] lol freedom for fluff!
  23. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='75455' date='Oct 17 2007, 09:12 AM']that says to me, you already think there's something wrong with fluffy straps. Personally, I wouldn't have one but whatever gets you going. There are some far nicer and far more interesting straps out there. try [url="http://www.getmgetm.com"]www.getmgetm.com[/url][/quote] wow , nice site thers nothing wrong with fluffy straps , i just get bullied about it (pier pressure!) but yeah , im all for fluffy straps
  24. is there anything wrong with a white and red fluffy strap? i think they keep my shoulder warm also - pink one for my heavier bass because it has more fluff whats wrong with fluffy straps? (the fluff gets everywhere but fluff rules!)
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