It's tough. We are, as performers, necessarily fragile, ego driven and opinionated.
The singer needs even more ego than anyone else because of the vulnerability of their role in the band.
I thought I'd cracked it. I found a singer I loved as a human being, who was if anything lacking in self confidence and ego, and has the greatest singing voice I've ever heard.
I did everything in my power to help her realise how good she is and knew I would stick to her like a limpet. Success is guaranteed to every band she sings in.
So what happened? She f¢ked off and joined another band.
Now I'm sitting at home with my thumb up my a$$ while she's out gigging with her new best friends.
Moral of the story? Other people are entirely unreliable, unpredictable, and will do their own thing regardless of your wishes. Singers doubly so.