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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Wasn't Ian Whyte, Scottish composer and conductor (BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra), born in Dunfermline on the 13th?
  2. So much of the HB preamp debate is actually about personal taste rather than quality. I love that they're not full on in your face powerful. The gentler, more subtle sound suits my style. At the money they charge swapping for a different preamp is always an option.
  3. Usually I assume anyone choosing anything other than tort is drunk or suffering from a brain injury. However, it appears that life is not so straightforward as I thought. Bought a tort guard for one of my PB50s and it didn't work 🤷🏻‍♂️. On either of them. Go (as the Americans say) figure.
  4. How do you turn the pedals off again? Using the hub, I mean. Is it just a case of saving a preset with all the pedals off?
  5. Do I regret selling this? Yes, yes I do. Will I buy it back? Let's see if its still here at the end of the month
  6. Which bass player shares your birthday? Paul McCartney for me. 👍🏼
  7. 10 points to Frank, 5 to Nail. Well done chaps.
  8. On the topic of women bassists I loved,
  9. That would be in the midi pedal I think. Mine is a different make but I can set it up to scroll and select or automatically select.
  10. I don't know, can't remember. I don't hear any whine, my hearing doesn't go that high.
  11. The guy who made me get up onto my hindlegs and notice that bass was a thing was JJB. Then Bruce Foxton at around the same time. I joined a band as a rhythm guitarist and the bassist was (and still is) an extraordinary musician - I was mesmerised. But the pro who I really fell for and still love the best is Bruce Thomas from his time in the Attractions. I now have a longer list (thanks to Basschat) with Entwistle, Watt-Roy, Dart, Jamerson, Edwards, Dunn, McCartney, Jones, Kaye, Osborne. Only criteria for me is liking the band or music they play in. I don't see music as a clinical, technical exercise, so if the music leaves me cold no matter how good the player (Jaco, Mark King for example) I won't learn much from them.
  12. This has been an enthralling thread. Right up to the part where people talked about things, and stuff. Then I got a bit lost.
  13. I intend to visit my SY-1 later (depending upon how deeply my current collapsed state evolves) and get that organ infill. Once I do I'll share it.
  14. I didn't realise that was a thing! Brilliant!
  15. There's a really awkward door frame / step down / right angled turn / door frame / step down to get out of the place I'm living. It makes it really difficult to wheel it out.
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