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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. I'd love to help you but I'm too new too! I have only done one rehearsal with it and found an awesome organ sound to run underneath the bass when a solo is happening - it's astonishingly good and I wish I knew how I got it.
  2. I have so nearly sold mine so many times, but I would just spunk the cash on rubbish, and I will never have the wherewithal to buy another. So I shall resume my search for a method to wheel it to and from the car without lifting, and give it another go.
  3. Hercules looks in awe upon @scrumpymike and his scrumpettes
  4. No longer own the Trace R of D, and my faker is in bits. My contribution will be updated - it all depends on which car I'm in, mine is tiny. Going to be selling a black club bass, a bitsa precision, a vintage Washburn and an OLP 5 string and maybe some pedals so bring your wallets.
  5. RM500 into two twelve inch speakers. Compact, lightweight, punchy as hell. Yeah the Sandberg is a rare treat for me. Seldom buy a bass over £400 but when a seller as good as @Frank Blank offers a bass as good as this I'm going to break the bank for it.
  6. Does it get much better than this? Maybe, but not much.
  7. Ha ha ha ha. You better not hang around here once you've bought it.
  8. I have a Maruszczyk and I cannot find any reason not to love everything about it. However, something tells me you really would prefer a Fender P Bass. Just reading between the lines.
  9. could swap for an SVT plus cash to the ex Ampeg owner
  10. Watching Tim Lefebvre in conversation with Janek Gwizdala. He (Lefebvre) explains why he asks for an Ampeg CL when he's on the road. He gives a couple of reasons, but one resonated with me. He said "... it kinda sounds the same in every room" And that is surely one of the great things about this fabulous amp. I just wouldn't have thought to put it like that. Any road up, here's the chat if that's your bag
  11. Let us know how you get on with it. I use the 250 with the spectracomp loaded on the toneprint - it's basically a really really good compressor for free!
  12. Legend of a pedal! Does it come with the original power supply?
  13. That's great thank you. Excludes the possibility I'm doing something wrong.
  14. Moved to post again on this most excellent amp / cab set up. Every time I use it I'm reminded of how perfect it is for my needs. I am not interested in entering a slanging match with those of you who dislike the Shape feature. It's a rehash of the Trace Elliot argument and one man's meat is of course another's poison. The crucial thing as far as I'm concerned with my little RM500 1X12 combo is pairing it with the 1X12 extension cab. It just comes to life. Room filling bottom end and perfect defined melodic midrange. I use the shape button (it's never off!) and boost the mid control to taste, then I'm nearly good to go - wherever I'm playing. The only other thing I need to do is dial in just enough 'grit' from the overdrive and my 'clean' sound is complete. I have had a multitude of amps and cabs in the many, many years I've been playing. I have an embarrassment of options today of all shapes, designs, makes and sizes. I confess I usually take this out to save space in the car and to save my back. However every time I do I end up amazed by how good it sounds. It's a belter.
  15. stewblack

    Do I need them ?

    I started with a Zoom B1on a couple of years back. Got all the noises I could ever need. Now, I have a collection of pedals so ludicrously out of control, I can seldom find them all. My favourite bass sound is a P Bass with flats into an all valve head and two 15" cabs. But endless pedal buying, selling and fiddling is a hard habit to break.
  16. Just wanted a general thread about the use of the SA software and hardware to save me entirely hijacking the C4 thread. Thought we could post questions, share tricks and tips. I have one such query ready to go! 4 pedals connected to the hub, USB connecting hub to PC. When I click on the icon for my pedals I see this for each of them except the Ultrawave. When I select the Ultrawave I see this I notice the available controls are identical to those on the pedal. I also notice altering them makes no discernible difference to the sound of the pedal. Here are my questions: What the hell? Why can't I edit the Ultrawave?
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