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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Or if she has no musical or technical facility, she could become a singer.
  2. Limited only by my crustacean grasp of the toneprint editor and the function of compression! However I learning both, slowly.
  3. I am a prize pillock. Don't panic BB I won't be badgering you for tips. The comp on my Plethora is Hypergravity not Spectracomp. An utterly terrifying 35 parameters in the editor. I think I might just learn love one someone else has created!
  4. Very good points @Baloney Balderdash with reference to the toneprint capabilities. My problem is laziness really. I must sit down with an uncluttered evening and go through the software. Especially now I know I can ask you if I get stuck!
  5. Ah, thank you so much. Found two which are absolutely perfect.
  6. Ladies and gentlemen of the forum. I want a Pigtronix Bass Envelope Phaser. I can't find one but I have a Spectrum. So, I'm hoping for any clues how to achieve the Pigtronix effect with the Spectrum. All help gratefully accepted.
  7. I have just returned from a rehearsal. Late night for me, and I am delighted to report that in my soul band I used two fuzzes, one overdrive and a filthy distortion. At times I used all three and it sounded amazing.
  8. So I have the bronze at the moment...
  9. I bought one traded one. Then traded one for a bass I subsequently sold and the other for a CTM 100 which I still have. So no. Neither of them 🤷🏻‍♂️
  10. I drove a 7 hour round trip to trade a bass in a motorway services. Stopped, swapped, back onto the the motorway. I doubt its a record though..
  11. I remember some bright spark telling us all some intimate details of Ashdown's business, only to be utterly humiliated by a complete contradiction from the company's BC account. Never even apologised for making the stuff up and passing it off as factual.
  12. So what have we learnt from this? Crop your Barnet close, wear a suit and tie and button down collar, and shades indoors. That is the epitome of cool. Oh and in my case lose a few stone too.
  13. The compressor debate comes around like the falling of leaves in Autumn. It has a certain predictability. It's because few compressors seem at first to do very much, and folk think it's an effect pedal when it's not really. I was just as guilty once, so don't want to name call those still in that state. The real point is no one makes us use compression into our amps if we don't want to. But work a big stage or go into a studio and you will have it applied like it or not.
  14. Another great version @taunton-hobbit It's yours or Bob Andy's for me
  15. Nice bit of reggae sleuthing @Tandro!
  16. There's a great reggae tune in there trying to get out!
  17. OK you had me tapping my feet to that. But still, it's a bit like tomato sauce on cornflakes.
  18. Can anyone explain the notch filter please and thank you.
  19. Fantastic little pedal this, I have one and it's a doozy. Giveaway price too.
  20. Not for me I'm afraid! Each to their own of course, but disco reggae is clearly too refined a taste for my palate.
  21. True but it would have sounded sh1te if you couldn't compress your bass properly
  22. I have an SVT which I keep planning to sell. Then I look at it, and recall the experience of playing through it, that wonderful room filling bass sound, and I don't list it. It can't be that heavy really can it? Then I try to lift it to find it must have been bolted to the floor. There's nothing like it and I have owned it and gigged it. Box ticked, now it's time for a younger bassist.
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