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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. I do love a good compression thread. Apart from the obvious trolling, some excellent contributions here. My first experience was a button on a Carlsboro head way back when. I pressed it my bass lost everything I liked so I turned it off and swore off compression for life. Waded through a couple of threads on Basschat many years later and decided to investigate further. My advice is to try as many pedals as you can, learn, and I mean really learn what is happening with each of the settings, try it first last and in the middle, before and after different effects until you find what works for you. I now own several compressors and limiters and have at least a rudimentary understanding of how they work. It's like everything in life, you have to put the work in.
  2. I watched this video and now I want this pedal... I'm horribly over committed to a new bass otherwise I'd have it in a heartbeat.
  3. correction £13.59! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/New-Alloy-Metal-PedalboardsEffects-Pedal-Board-Cases-Electric-Guitar-10x-Explant-/114562558805?_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286
  4. Cheapest I could find on ebay. 15 quid came with velcro and cable ties. I joined them underneath with battens.
  5. I was amazed when I saw a Bruce Thomas Profile for sale 'upgraded' recently. Simply because I can't think of a single way to to improve the stock model. I do appreciate personal taste comes into the equation, of course. However for sheer sound quality, playability, balance, weight and reliability I've never owned nor played better in 40+ years as a bassist.
  6. Been a bit rough lately, but I'll survive! Love that Jackie Mitoo track so much. The bassline is a lesson in hypnotic simplicity
  7. Can I slip bit of Studio One ska in here?
  8. I mean it could be... All I know is that when I mirrored the settings with those on a YouTube review of the P&C it sounded identical.
  9. I did not. It was assembled by another Basschatter, I bought it from him.
  10. Just finished this board. 'clean' signal is tuner > octave > chorus > Freeze > limiter. Into this can be mixed three loops. 1 = the Yerasov board + Prunes and Custard clone. 2 = two envelope filters. 3 = the Littlebox. It's flexible and sounds killer. Mostly I just keep the Yerasov gain and preamp on and use octave for a couple of tunes played up the dusty end and the envelope filters for some funky soul. The P&C is utterly filthy and pretty amazing. It's hard to hold back on it! The rest I shove in here and there when I feel like it. Power from two rechargeable packs or two 9v wall warts.
  11. Bought a pedal from @Eater_of_Birds when I took a punt on an old advert and it transpired still to be available. Utterly painless transaction, with prompt, polite communication and a well packaged pedal which perfectly finished my board. Deal with absolute confidence.
  12. I suspect the reason digital multi effects come out 'incomplete' is as @itu suggests. Better get it out, ASAP, then release bug fixes, firmware updates as and when. The customer is effectively buying an unfinished product then gives the company kudos for updating it!
  13. I made the last of my last Harley Benton patch cables last night. There were tears.
  14. @paul_5 has two feedback threads. I am posting in each of them because he is two times better than the most imaginably amazing Basschatter. I've bought pedals from him which he has made himself, one of which he practically made to order in under a week and I literally had to over pay him and still got a crazy bargain. Top, top class Basschattery from a super top class Basschatter. Thank you.
  15. @paul_5 has two feedback threads. Two. I am posting in each of them because he is two times better than the most imaginably amazing Basschatter. I've bought pedals from him which he has made himself, one of which he practically made to order in under a week and I literally had to over pay him and still got a crazy bargain. Top, top class Basschattery from a super top class Basschatter. Thank you.
  16. If it has Harley Benton written on it buy it, was my motto. Not any more obvs. The Sandberg Electra bass I bought here is alleged to be from their budget range but it's as good as anything I've played. As to must avoid that tends to be any bass over £500 second hand. I say tends to be because I just broke that rule... twice. I don't avoid any brand, they're all quite capable of producing a gem. Having said that, I have yet to find an MXR pedal I like, and I know they're highly and widely respected. Oh and Ashdown is a great company and a fine builder of amps and cabs but can't seem to make an envelope filter I like. In the end, buy second hand, do your research to ensure you're not paying over the odds, sell it if it's not to taste. Use reviews to discover products you might not otherwise hear about but don't trust other people's opinion.
  17. You haven't seen my phone 😬
  18. Sorry, I've not forgotten, but I have no computer at present...
  19. I am one of those lucky bassists who is unaffected by latency. I notice it, say from the back of a hall during soundcheck, but can happily adjust. This being so I now use two sets of wireless; bass to pedals, pedals to amp. Never had an issue.
  20. Don't know if you're familiar with this guy or not...
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