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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Room wouldn't be a problem! There are some people here who have rehoused their FIs in tiny enclosures. I never want to programme the pedal from the box, I only want to go up and down through the presets - which needs dedicated footswitches not double tapping the up to go down - and exactly as you say volume, and most crucial of all a dry mix.
  2. I've never heard anyone dissing Joe Dart. And I certainly wouldn't take any further notice of them if I ever did.
  3. I have one of your home made pedals and it's brilliant. Buy with confidence folks
  4. You have a treat in store. Harley Benton makes great instruments at give away prices.
  5. Fascinating isn't it? We spend literally 1000s on effects and very few of us would be happy with this sound. And yet, as you say, it's exactly perfect. Context is all.
  6. These are really beautifully done, good luck with the channel.
  7. His video work could easily outstrip his pedal making. I think he's brilliant.
  8. I couldn't sit like that for the length of a Wham! song, never mind play like that. She is a firm favourite of mine.
  9. Nice one! Did you know that 5 years ago you played in the 100 Club juat after Madness had been there? They had named clothes hangers!
  10. I have a few gigs trickling tentatively into the diary, and one is a dep slot for my old Madness Tribute. I've got over my bruised pride that they are still going strong without me, and am rather looking forwrd to it. It's at the Llanelli Festival, only a couple of days beyond the alleged end of restrictions - so still very theoretical. Nonetheless I have been studiously relearning everything, and transcribing all the bass parts, it has kept me busy. I got to thinking about the really important stuff today. What bass to take? Obviously I have my two toned precision, which will make a great prop/2nd bass but I wonder what the man mr Bedford himself used. Wouldja believe it theres a five year old thread here where someone points out that he was using a Bruce Thomas Profile - and I , of course, have that very bass in my collection. A good omen? Maybe I shall be blowing the cobwebs from my passport and heading over the bridge in June after all. Now, what hats did he wear....
  11. I should have bought it. Had a buy it now of £93 its now over that.
  12. Just checking I'm not bidding against a fellow Basschatter. If so I'll drop out!
  13. Exactly. I've filled the year off with learning to read music, and buying pedals. One is to help me become a more efficient musician, the other is for sheer pleasure.
  14. Not really a board as such but one contender for my gig rig. The Yerasov board is within the Plethora's loop (even has its own footswitch!) and they are both in the Stomp's loop. The Stomp is set up with effects running in a parallel config keeping an amp sound as my 'clean' signal. Unreal the amount of effects and cabling this would have taken with individual pedals. Not to mention the size of board needed. In comparison this is a tiny rig.
  15. I gigged for 18 months before the lockdown with a covers band and I'm equally proud and embarrassed to admit I never learned any of the songs. Busked each and every one of them.
  16. Not fitted yet, I'm reshaping the headstock but I can show you a mock up on my other bass
  17. Good lord I've been playing that so badly 🤦🏼‍♂️
  18. Very, very few basses left on my wishlist. This is one of them. Hmmm.
  19. Pickguard arrived today! Very happy. Well done @kodiakblair and well done to your guy. Fantastic job.
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