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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. I have a soft spot for Kent Armstrong P Bass pups, but honestly I'm so lucky that I really like the HP pick ups and don't want to change them
  2. I hear you, but I am so used to it I'm more likely to plug in at a gig only to find none of the hours of work I put in has been saved! Either way where do I go so I can at least try it?
  3. Just used my stomp in a rehearsal having only had a few days. It all worked OK but for some feedback issues, I need to check what's happening as the bass wasn't that loud. What I have discovered is that unlike the Zoom pedals I was brought up on the changes that I make don't automatically save! Can I set it up so that they do?
  4. Mr Mann's courses were the ones I enjoyed the most during my year of SBL. As it happens I am currently working through Mr Berlin's sight reading course. This ought to be right up my street. Off to have a gander.
  5. Like Chris I can appreciate a player regardless of what music he plays. What I can't do is enjoy certain genres enough to listen to them. So no matter how great the player, I'll never really know them.
  6. Ordered me a PG for one of my PB50s. Happy to trust any recommendations from @kodiakblair
  7. Frank, that is a beautiful, beautiful bass.
  8. Makes a lot of sense @itu I shall do the same.
  9. I've joined the club. Typical of me to buy just before the market floods as people upgrade to the newer model, but never mind. I am delighted to have found a piece of kit which i could gig with the same evening I bought it. Set up my first board with laughable ease. A real lesson to a lot of others in how to make software instinctive and simple to use. I can layer the more clever complex stuff once I'm fully comfy with the basics - which is how it should be. I'm very happy.
  10. Just relieved Mr @2pods of an unwanted Stomp. Thoroughly decent chap from the kick off to the (early) arrival. Great communication, an accurate description, superb packaging - I can't recommend this most excellent Basschatter enough. If he's selling, buy it.
  11. OK, so, I've had a play with the X5. Particularly with the (just updated) android app. I focused on a couple of toneprints, one for the Subnup and one for the Helix phaser (a name destined to cause confusion). It's simple to use, but extremely hit and miss as to what each control achieves. I am none the wiser after an hour of fiddling. The labels are probably clear to a TC Electronic developer but not to me. Other multi effects have the same controls on the machine itself as on the app or computer. This usually means that they're way too complicated to alter or set up on the pedal. The X5 differs. On the pedal there are 3 parameters and a list of toneprints for each effect. So you choose a toneprint close to what you're looking for then you can tweak the three 'main' parameters. Job done. On the phone app you can alter a plethora (ahem) of parameters and add extras - modulation on your octave? No problem! Interestingly you can add drive to the effects I looked at. At least, there was a virtual knob labelled 'drive'.
  12. On the topic of midi ignorance, this is a pretty good start point.
  13. Please don't over estimate me. I am utterly clueless. This will be A) A fun learning experience or B) An expensive source of frustration, which ends up on the For Sale pages.
  14. Well, there is probably a couple of answers to this. Lockdown lunacy cannot be discounted. But there is a little band of Plethorites on FB who use both together. They midi them up and use the Helix to switch Plethora boards. I have become intrigued with their shenanigans, and wanted to have a go. Like you it was a debate as to which one I went for, but then I thought sell a bass, and I can have both.
  15. Getting my Helix Stomp soon, I've been chatting with folk on the FB Plethora page about linking the two multi effects via midi. I confess I didn't understand much that was said. Hopefully it will become clearer
  16. No dedicated synth pedal yet, but there is an effect loop which allows you to put one where you want to in the chain - without taking up one of the channels. The sounds are excellent and most definitely not inferior to the individual pedals. Just a few glaring holes in the line up. Dirt, synth and envelope filter top of my list.
  17. Off in the post tomorrow. Anologue wah, infinitely alterable, with digital presets. This thing can talk to you. As long as you can master the software. I could, but I have so many envelope options. Also a couple of pedals calling for deep editor diving on the computer is enough for me. Shout for more pics, sound samples etc - happy to split the postage.
  18. I believe the colour is far more significant than the material the pickguard is made from. Red will give you an angry tone, blue a more serene top end and gold is best for pulling and thumping. Curiously, both black and white guards do not alter the tone at all.
  19. if you want to just pop it in the post, I have a hammer in my hand right now, happy to save you rummaging through the shed..
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