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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. The Yerasov SCS uses ethernet style plugs into the underside of the pedal.
  2. Well I never did! Biggest problem with this is incorporating other branded pedals.
  3. I recall a rare visit from a bassist to the JHS show, and he used a bunch of guitar pedals just bunged a graphic (or some such tone altering thingy) at the end of the chain. I do the same but I also send a completely clean signal which I mix after the pedal board. I achieve this in many differing ways depending on the board. I must confess I watched a bass player setting up his core sound on an Helix Stomp and sat up on my hind legs when he just casually dragged and dropped a parallel signal path alongside his effect chain.
  4. Hi, can I use the footswitch with my Source Audio Spectrum? If so what would it achieve?
  5. If anyone is interested in the pedals and doesn't want to buy from Russia (via ebay) the details are here http://yerasov.co.uk/index.html
  6. The Parametric just arrived completing the board. Not used in anger yet. The compressor is also fairly new, but having played through it at low volumes I can attest to its compressing. Its as powerful as any I've tried and then some. It feels like the bass is struggling to breathe at high settings. However, as I get the hang of it I'm actually very happy with it. I would say it colours the sound a little, so that's a matter of taste, but as a tool it's really effective.
  7. It's brilliant - obviously given the strictures of personal taste - I bought the distortion here and found the UK supplier for the rest. The system is superb, the pedals are joined by plugs and circuitry inside the pedal board. This means only one power cable and no patch cables. There are jack plugs too so you can use them in ordinary setups.
  8. Happy to contribute @Phil Starr.
  9. Scary Pockets are OK, I guess.. But I still have no idea what a mononron is. Luckily I have lots of bands I do like I can listen to.
  10. Two 12s, the one in the combo and a second Ashdown matching extension cab. It does everything I will ever need. The combo is handy for rehearsal, put the other 12 under it and I've gigged outdoors with no pa support.
  11. I am in a similar place. There is always something likely to come along and interest me, but the room in which I live is effectively, full. I don't like selling very much so it's a stalemate
  12. Nope. I have changed a pup in a HB semi acoustic, and I have replaced the tone pots on two HBs with @KiOgon's tone switch. Otherwise I've played them straight out of the box and never had to change any thing. The changes I have made were out of interest and not necessity.
  13. I hope I've never been thought of as boring when doing the thing that I love. The bit of the video I watched touched on not staring at the fretboard. This is good advice. Band leaders like musicians who have their eyes up.
  14. Yes I do. Can't fault them. At least to my ears, they're great
  15. stewblack


    Hi, any pics yet mate?
  16. After a rather convoluted Hermes tale (I shan't bore you) the very lovely lady who is the final link in the Hermes chain said to us "We're a bloody nightmare aren't we"
  17. I was pondering in an idle moment how popular music can be peeled, layer by layer, from today's big new thing all the way back to the caveman banging on a hollow log. Simultaneously I wondered why, if I listen to the music which influenced a favourite artist, I seldom like it or even see the join. So have you ever peeled back the skin and found you liked or even preferred what lived underneath? I can give one example. The Two Tone craze of the late 70s is directly responsible for my love of 60s Jamaican ska. However, peel that back to Mento and I don't dig it So I manage one step! Once.
  18. Built by our very own @paul_5 this little beauty is a clone with a couple of additional features. With increased sensitivity and an additional 2 decay speeds this is a really flexible pedal. Easily as good as commercial offerings I've used which demand four or five times the price. The only decision I have now is whether I trust my memory or create artwork for the case...
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