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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. I don't know the album, however if I see any record described as the most 'overhyped, and overrated album of the entire 1980s' and it doesn't feature Phil Collins then I know I'm on shaky ground.
  2. I feel increasingly out of step on some of the issues raised hereabouts. I got the 5th Beatle gag, but most other comments are bewildering. Is it that folk feel the Beatles provide an insufficiently significant contribution to the subject? Is it snobbery from people who have degrees in more 'important' disciplines? Or reverse snobbery from those who think all students are a waste of time? I can't work it out.
  3. I took delivery this morning of a slim, blood red pedal from One Control. My first thought was, huh? What's this all about? A kind of dull, low gain distortion with one more knob than it really needs. But then... Oof! I plugged it into my Elf, and through a set of decent headphones. This is a fat barsteward of a pedal. I can't describe the sound it creates, but I can compare it. Closest thing I ever heard like it was my Ampeg SVT CL. My lukewarm response first time around was (I suspect) all about low volume levels (shared house) through my cab. I still don't know what will happen when I move a more respectable volume of air, but through headphones it sounded divine. There is still the question of that extra knob though. Mine has the word 'brilliance' written next to it. I wonder, do they all say that? Or do they, perhaps, have different names relating to light? Either way it makes literally zero difference to the sound.
  4. So if its still available, is it less than £40 because it's four years older? Or is it more because of inflation?
  5. First up, I'm really sorry you have to go through this nonsense. But I'm also glad you shared it with us all. Thank you.
  6. I am a restless soul. I don't think I'll ever be able to finalise the chain. Except for my finger tips and my ears everything else is always up for grabs.
  7. I have the shortscale in cream already. But I do like a bass guitar every now and then.
  8. That's gurt lush that is. Long scale active? Interesting..
  9. I love mine. Less fizzy that the California. I think the Orange Juice is very similar, but much smaller.
  10. I am itching to get hands on it!
  11. Live And Dangerous, but ask me again in 20 years and it'll be Vulfpeck MSG. Probably
  12. I wonder maybe it's so reasonably priced people don't realise how good it is.
  13. And given Andy's skills and experience, the matter rests there.
  14. The irony being, I blew the last of my magic beans on an SA Spectrum!
  15. The Police at Reading Festival, I think 1979. A large group of us were taken to the local nick for smoking a spliff. Oh the irony. My choice to leave early was the Pogues in Shepherds Bush on 17th March around the time of the opening overs of the Gulf War. The sad drunken shambles of a lead singer arrived shockingly late to the stage, and proceeded to mumble through a set. I, only marginally more pssed than he was, staggered out into the London night, and thence into the back of a van which had happened to be stopped at a nearby traffic light. The two youngsters driving eventually let me out, lord knows where, and I somehow managed to get a taxi back to my hotel.
  16. I did say we all choose what we mean by the word professional.
  17. Yep. This is me too. I tell myself it's fine, I'm locked down anyway, but really I'd be better off learning a song.
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