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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Al, you're using an argument technique, contradicting something I didn't say. I never said the sky would fall in nor that you couldn't cover the gap in proceedings.
  2. Hello everyone, lovely to be here. I'm Stew and I'm a filterholic. I have just become a member of the Spectrum club. Oh my goodness. What a piece of kit. Hats off to Source Audio. So simply intuitive to use and the computer software is a doddle. Very happy with my purchase and I strongly suspect that you will be seeing at least one filter up for sale very soon.
  3. It's a matter choice that's all. If I feel that I'm unprofessional by being unprepared for something going wrong it doesn't mean that anyone else is. We all choose our definition of professional. You may have been fine so far, you may be fine for ever after. But if something goes wrong and stops the whole show while you fiddle around trying to find what's wrong, rather than grabbing a spare, my bet is that will be the last time you travel with no back up. My take is, its not about me, it's about the people or person paying me.
  4. I'm good thanks Al! Got my Zoom board finished.
  5. Kid About It. A little Bruce Thomas waltz.
  6. I like it a lot. It's easy to understand and big enough for an old git like me to see. However it does take a lot of room.
  7. Oooh. Looks like a serious upgrade on my two little responders .
  8. It's a pretty popular ask in the wanted lists. No reason to assume that they won't. They added a couple of effects in the most recent firmware update.
  9. Probably ought to be doing this thread in a private message with @glassmoon but I'll continue updating here. Never know we might even get a Plethora thread going. So today I have been playing with the effects loop. I was worried it might take up a slot on the board, but while that appears to be an option, you can just tell the X5 to insert it between any of the 5 'pedals'. The eye opener for me has so far been the Mimiq Doubler. I moved it to before the inserted effect and it really adds something to the filter. Which reminds me - the envelope hole is being filled by my newly arrived Spectrum. Holy moly.
  10. Bought a Source Audio Spectrum from @Shroombass and it arrived double quick, insured and packaged to the hilt. Absolutely guaranteed, no hitch, quality transaction. I happily recommend this most excellent Basschatter to the community.
  11. Last time an amp failed me was in the soundcheck. It was a Markbass. I used my Orange Terror. I confess it made me nervous doing the whole thing (well paid dep gig) effectively with no back up. However, three amps is going too far even for me.
  12. I was chatting to a guy (Zoom) recently he asked where I gigged (before THE EVENT) I said a lot of my work was in Swindon. Oh yeah? Are there any bands from Swindon? Ignoring the idiocy of the remark, I said, well there's XTC for one. He thought that was hilarious, as he'd never heard of them. This is a fully grown British adult. I left the meeting.
  13. Less than 360 on Amazon. Every little helps.
  14. I began to wonder if the choice of effects was a bit limited, especially given the price. There is after all a gaping overdrive shaped hole. However, one of the issues I've always had with multi fx is that there are way too many options. I always felt I was under using them, and perversely, I often didn't. The TCE Px5 scores by the sheer quality of the effects. It just sounds amazing. And if it doesn't, change it. Simple. Also, there has been an update which added a couple of effects already, and no reason to assume that there won't be more. Anyhoo. I am content.
  15. And there it is. In record time too. The attack on the vegan.
  16. My pleasure! The compressor is pretty much your favourite compressor. You can have it however you want it. The phaser is glorious, the chorus is a bunch of choruses, and I thought the lack of envelope might be a big disadvantage until I turned one of the vibes into an auto wah. You'll get nothing but GAS from me right now I'm afraid!
  17. I was considering one of these, just blown a few months effects budget, but still interested. I shall follow your progress...
  18. Good spot @Maude If Sex On Fire isn't the blueprint for that, then I don't know what is.
  19. Hello @glassmoon. I have only had a rudimentary play. The Helix will do more, but it's a different beast. This is a pedal board. Pure and simple. The effects loop goes wherever you want it to. I had a play with an OD pedal in the loop, just after the compressor before a phaser. Sounds superb. I paired the phone app.... eventually! but other than play around with some harmony sounds I've not done that much. I'll get back at you tomorrow when I hope to have a little time.
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