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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Picked one up from Amazon for just under 360, which was about as good as I could find it. Not that many effects on it but quite a variety of sounds possible within each one.
  2. I went for it. To heck with being sensible. I have updated the firmware. Had a little fiddle. Changed a few effects. I got a little tired and left it for now. However, I had a noodle, and so far I've discovered that it sounds really, really good. The most encouraging thing about it is how utterly simple and intuitive it is. More to come.. oh, who fancies a picture?
  3. I assume there is an algorithm at work. I don't know, but I guess in its simplest form if the delivery slot is still free then it becomes cheaper as the last possible time to book it approaches.
  4. They're up and down like a whore's drawers. Best bet is never let yourself get backed into a corner, don't promise you can get it there Tuesday. Wait for the price to be right!
  5. I suspect @TrevorRand I are of a similar vintage! My red Aria, so battered now it's worthless to anyone else, but to me it's a tangible link to my life of music. It's been in studios, on stages, in pubs, clubs, and fields. I have lost a lot of my memories, but that bass can transport me back in an instant. Also my Aria TAB semi was a gift from my old man, who knew he wasn't going to see another Christmas. Goes without saying that one never leaves.
  6. OK. Draw circle on panel. Drill hole inside the edge of the circle. Place panel on work bench with hole just over the edge. Jigsaw blade into hole. Start cutting, pulling panel towards you. Stop. Remove tins, tools, cup of tea which panel almost knocks from bench. Resume.
  7. Sadly mine has come to a halt. Lost my workspace recently. Yours looks fascinating.
  8. Crimson Red. I might be wrong - postie is bringing something!
  9. Each to their own of course! I jigsawed out countless circles in one of my incarnations, this method was the most efficient.
  10. Find the centre of the hole. Bang a nail through it. Now you can spin the board keeping the jigsaw still and feeding the line into it. Drill a hole to get you started
  11. Can't join I with a photo as my first bass (a Kay) is long gone. If I remember correctly it's now being used as an anchor on cargo ship. My last is a Cort jazz, beautiful to look at and to play. My everything used to be my 80s Aria SB. Owned from new, battered and bruised it's survived through several marriages and about thirty house moves. But realistically the one I turn to now, and my main gigging bass is my Bruce Thomas Profile. It just fits.
  12. I use the same crossover, it's really good. I like having the choice as to where the crossover occurs. I use it in a bi-amp set up for bass.
  13. Vietnam. @kodiakblairgave us a run down on the employment practices and laws there and they put us to shame in many ways
  14. Really good points both. I'm guilty of not thinking how my instrument affects the others, just setting up how I like it to sound.
  15. I already AM nostalgic for Thomann. If anyone else wants to start producing high quality gear, not from a sweatshop at give away prices, with unparalleled after sales service, I would be on them like a tramp on chips.
  16. I assumed Studiospares had made a couple of mistakes. For one thing they allowed me to select free postage (letter size apparently) despite my order being clearly too big. But part of the order was some 1/4" mono jacks which was also a c0ck up as thwy were only £1. Including VAT. Oh and that's not each. that's a pound for 10! I flung caution to the wind and popped a quid's worth in my basket and waiting for the email explaining the mistake. Guess what? They arrived. 10 for a pound. Oh and the best thing is, they're actually perfectly good plugs. No hesitation in using them. https://www.studiospares.com/insulated-mono-jacks-10-pack_568090.htm
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