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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Don't know if this has been shared already, if not here you go
  2. Thanks for the heads up @danbowskill and to @la bam for graciously conceding the field that I might take a run at the little red box. I won! Let the impatience begin.
  3. Thank you! That's great feed back I'll make sure Stuart sees your comment. Sadly I won't be receiving the bass yet. The lockdown rules are there for a reason and I can't justify the trip as 'necessary'. Let me plug Impure Guitars while I am here. This bass is a stylistic deviation from Stuarts earlier work. He has been very good to work with during the creative part of the process, and his work ethic can't be faulted. If he wasn't 100% happy at any stage, he would go back and do it again. I intend to start selling /saving for another build and won't be looking anywhere else. https://www.impureguitars.com/
  4. I was that close to buying this. But I like my pancakes fluffy.
  5. An absolute pleasure. Let me know if I can help with any others
  6. on the bass? I could but would that work the same as singing?
  7. Going to have to wait and see how eBay pans out. By which time this will be gone of course. Hmmmm
  8. Basschat is the brussel sprout of the internet. Entirely responsible for all of the gas we suffer.
  9. https://mega.nz/file/juJFnKYK#wgRUYNDzZDKw-QjoUnr20mquMzfFYaZCggSmLCxewXc I've not shared audio in this way before so let me know if it works. Circle.pdf
  10. Thank you! Don't want to drive up the price if another BCer is bidding though
  11. I've been following your experience with these pedals very closely. I plan to use my Bi-amp rig when I get back out there. Power amp and pedal pre. Anyone know if they're stocked anywhere in the UK?
  12. I sold mine. And I can't fir the life of me remember why. One day.
  13. Many apologies, today got away from me a bit. I'll get it up tomorrow.
  14. Quick question. Two different ways to write the same rhythm. What I've learned is there should be a clear demarcation between the first and second halves of the bar, I believe both ways satisfy this. Also it's important it's easy to read. I'm unsure which fits that criteria best. Also I'm not sure about the use of the minim - acceptable or not really? Any thoughts or suggestions very gratefully received. thank you.
  15. In fairness I'm relatively new to this lark, so I'm happy to do it. It's all part of the learning curve.
  16. Music and those musicians who speak to us. It's such a deeply personal, primal phenomenon. I sincerely believe its impossible to explain to someone who doesn't hear it, who doesn't get what you experience. I gave an example of a favourite part of a song by a bass magician once. The first response was along the lines of, well that's nothing special, it's just such and such a scale over such and such a chord. The bass line touched on something special and inspirational in me. That isn't something I can give to someone else. You feel it or you don't. Cliff Burton clearly had this effect on plenty of musicians and music fans. That's great. You can't measure it, you can't explain it. And that's great too.
  17. That's a very good score.
  18. I found the out of tune singing easier than the others - I'd assumed as a bassist it would be the timing I was best at - but no! The out of tune singing set off a physical reaction, I actually recoiled at the bad one. Got one wrong, but frankly they both sounded dreadful!
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