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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Interested to hear your thoughts on the Bassballs comparison. I moved my Bassballs on, couldn't get a fat enough tone from it.
  2. Each to their own of course, but I like it a lot.
  3. I wasted time trying to decide if I needed it 🤦🏼‍♂️
  4. I'd say it's unavoidable. The pre shape button on the RM doesn't make that look or behave like a Trace. But that 12 band eq? Given the connection with TE that's bound to attract comparison.
  5. Make it so. I would be a very happy camper
  6. Looks like you can use it while motoring up the M5 as well
  7. Nice one. I've been trying to find a tube zipper, I wonder if this would be similar..
  8. I believe there is a scientific law which states a pedal board will always be 1 pedal space smaller than you want it to be. So. Nice try D'addario, but you can't argue with physics.
  9. Hmmm, that looks lovely. Trace-ish.
  10. Never! I have an open marriage with Harley Benton. We're allowed to see other people
  11. I completely understand those of us who see the bass as a tool - precisely as @TheLowDown articulates it. After all I'm the same with cars. Do not care how it looks, neither shape nor colour matter one bit to me. I can't imagine ever wanting to own more than one vehicle unless the 2nd one had a specific purpose not fulfilled by the 1st. Like a camper van for example. All that matters is I can get my gear in, it goes and is as cheap as possible to maintain, tax, insure and put fuel into. Other people adore cars, would own a stable if them if they could afford to, and wouldn't touch my battered kia with a barge pole. None of us is all one thing, we all share sone traits they just get expressed differently. A bass is a poetic tool to me. A thing of aesthetic potential used to create art with others. I take pleasure looking at it. A different pleasure setting the action and a particular thrill just holding it, before I even play a note. Having one television seems crazy to me. Having one in each room beggars belief. But I have no objection to anyone else having them in all shapes and sizes anywhere they like.
  12. I didn't originally because I was a kid and only had one guitar. But the first time I was left high and dry at a gig by faulty gear was the last time.
  13. Ah, thank you - I didn't realise. I tend towards a wider neck, but I have to be honest I don't really mind.
  14. All I'm doing is carving a headstock - but I will happily share my cack handeness...
  15. Good to see you again WB. I too came back after a long lay off. At the time I had about 3 basses. Now I could open a shop - beware the Basschat marketplace!
  16. I know a guy, and this will stretch if not beggar belief, who not only goes to gigs with his solitary instrument (no back up bass, no spare amp or cables) but actually sold his bass at the start of lockdown because he wouldn't need it for a while..
  17. Now I just need the weather to improve so I can get out and get cutting.
  18. Wow, thank you all! That's brilliant.
  19. Ooh, sorry, I missed this. Thank you.
  20. That would be great, thank you, pm will work
  21. I do not understand the title of this thread.
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