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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Interparcel fined me for sending a bass, in a hardcase, but for not putting the whole lot in cardboard. I had wrapped the case in plastic, but this was unacceptable.
  2. Not really shallow at all. Overhanging amps would, I'm sure, have been made Illegal by now if this whole EU/Covid crisis hadn't caused the government to take their eye off the ball.
  3. I like my 2 BF 15 inch cabs. Sure 2 12s might be just as good but the dimensions of the cabs are perfect for me. The head sits at a nice height, and with no overhang.
  4. Not to worry, that's a really solid piece of kit you have coming.
  5. Well. I've been at it again. This time I'm playing with a compressor at the start of the chain and a limiter at the end. The limiter isn't terribly good, one of the few Behringer stomps I've ever had an issue with. I have the Boss version on the way, so hopefully I'll get better results. I was working on a song with a plectrum and it's a bit of a head banger so I was really digging in, hitting open strings simultaneously with their fretted equivalents. There's one break featuring a line of single notes higher up the fretboard, which was very weedy. The comp at the start, limiter at the end really did help keep the whole thing more together. Once again it only really seems to notice when playing with a track. Anyway it's fun learning to use these things properly. Let's face it I've llareggub else to do!
  6. Hi PT sorry I missed this. This was my final pre national self harm purchase.
  7. mine is made by M-audio and costs around 17 quid. Has never let me down.
  8. I don't fit in either camp here! I love all the old Trace gear I have ever owned and still use some of it, good sound is good sound to me regardless of when am amp was built. But I also love the Elf, in its own right. So much more than it ought to be in such a tiny package. I'd gig with it without hesitation.
  9. in Rough Notes he speaks of a positive review FOR his line in EDIWTB. And it is perfection to my ears
  10. Nope. Nothing to do with noobieness. I got half way through a rehearsal the other day before I worked out what the hell was wrong with my sound 🤦🏼‍♂️
  11. Don't understand. What's being advertised?
  12. Very nicely done. Thanks for sharing.
  13. Definitely the Profile for me. But I recommend that you get both 😎 Bass Collection instruments are excellent.
  14. Yes! I had the same combination and it was so good.
  15. Interesting. That's such a great album, the bass is especially important.
  16. Short article on getting a good bass sound https://blog.presonus.com/index.php/2021/01/15/great-bass-sound-15-seconds/
  17. You know what? Ignore everything I have said so far. I just listed the pedals I would genuinely use and did a quick price check on them all. Not allowing for pedal board, velcro, psu, power and audio cables, I would have to spend about £700. So maybe its not overpriced after all. After all, I have spent a similar amount as the Plethora costs on about 3 pedals before! Now, who wants to lend me £399?
  18. Maybe saying it 'includes' the following, is just marketing. Gives the impression a rather flimsy list might be a lot longer. I still really like the idea. I like the whole toneprint thing, and I like the idea of it being laid out just like a real pedal board as distinct from the usual multi effects layout. I like that they update it for free which effectively gives you new pedals for nothing and that you can adjust on the fly. It's a bit like the way Zoom were going with the B3 pedals, but smaller, neater, programmable from a phone, and the pedals aren't attempts to replicate other effects, they are those effects. I actually don't care about the drives - I have a ton already! But a filter option is a must.
  19. That's the bit that set me to wondering. What else is there? Specifically are there any filters. If not, then I agree, at the present time it's not worth it. £150 cheaper and it's a really neat addition to any pedal board. The other thing puts me off is if you use the effects loop (I think) you lose one of your effects as one of the footswitches seems to become dedicated to turning the loop on and off.
  20. I can't seem to find a definitive list of the TC Electronic pedals available on the plethora. Everyone selling it has the pr blurb which says something along the lines of 'tons of effects, including...' which is irritatingly vague. All I can find on their website is a never ending list of tone prints which had me tying a noose in my dressing gown chord. Any ideas?
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