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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Oh, this thread still going? I thought it would have been rather neat if the mods closed it after the second post. Least controversial, least longwinded thread ever 🤣🤣🤣
  2. So we need a Northern Irish or Channel Island based Basschatter to head up a syndicate. We all send him/her our orders they buy from Thomann and we organise our own couriers to collect from their gaff. I can't see any problems. Flawless proposition.
  3. That's a bit of all right that blue on isn't it.
  4. I don't regret the BF cabs at all. Better dimensions than the MB for one thing and handle any and every thing I can throw at them. But the ny151s just had a certain character to the sound which I liked.
  5. Well done Paul. People love to share bad news don't they? Good to read this.
  6. Wish I'd not sold mine. Such a great, deep sound.
  7. My favourite bit is about 50 seconds in when the other bassist, probably crying inside, hides his bass under his chair.
  8. We cover This Is The Day in one of my bands. This is nice once it gets going. I could manage without the long wailing intro but it sounds like the Style Council when it actually starts. Which is a good thing!
  9. I had two of these and I liked them very much.
  10. What is the incomparably brilliant Bruce Thomas playing here?
  11. Made with a hacked Zoom B1on. Began life as a simple pitch shift for when I'm working out basslines an octave up. Added the Dynamic Drive before the Bass Pitch to firm up the note, remove the warble. Then got to mucking about. Added a Mono Synth which loved the drive, they played together very nicely. I backed the octave-up down a bit into the mix added an A-Filter and about 4 1/2 tonnes of compression (160 Comp). It went from being Grit to Grit Robot, to Gritoctabot, before finally ending as a Groctwabot. Sadly Soundcloud couldn't cope with the name so shortened it. Stupid Soundcloud.
  12. I did this with Tadeschi Trucks. Ticket for the London Palladium show and thought it might be 'a bit much'. Plonker.
  13. Anything you need more specifically, just let me know.
  14. 8?? I thought it was two trail song albums, the stripey one and the Wongnotes one? I shall have to check that link out.
  15. I think Cory has completed 4 albums, a chat show, endless YouTube videos - all of them good, during the lockdown!
  16. You can use it as 5 stomps which yes you scroll through with the right pedal to select the next one you want to turn on or off. But if its the same one to turn on and off then that remains selected until you scroll It's not hard to do, not as fiddly as you think. you can always go down the patches route (very quick and easy on the computer) so if a song has say, 3 effects on it and one which comes on and off throughout just make a patch with all the fx, then copy and paste it onto the adjacent patch, delete the effect in question. Then just switch from one patch to the other. Just to be clear, you only cycle through the 5 effects you've chosen as your 'board' not all the available effects. So if your overdrive is no 3, activate it /deactivate it with one pedal You only scroll through the to get to another effect.
  17. It's a Gregory Isaacs kind of day today. First discovered him in the early 80s when a mate put Night Nurse on a mix tape for me. What a voice!
  18. The trailer is just brilliant. I've ordered the vinyl too!
  19. I shall follow your progress with interest
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