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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. If you're a tart, I guess I am too! I'd love black fascia on mine
  2. I have resorted to luggage straps when faced with a similar dancing head. Also a non slip mat.
  3. It's a wet dream for me Being a Behringer Harley Benton boy.. just hope they take over a UK chain, or establish one. Let them import en masse and save us importing piecemeal
  4. I think @AndyTravis has summed up my approach exactly. Except I seldom have the pleasure of making these decisions, it's usually a singer telling me turn up or down. Back when I played bigger stages the sound engineer made the decisions for me. All I got to decide was what I had in my monitor, usually kick drum and vocals.
  5. Tell you one thing, playing the Fwonkbeta and the phonkify alongside a clean signal sounds pretty cool.
  6. Ah man, just discover a great band I hadn't known and the film starts with the guy's funeral. 😥
  7. Well duh! Of course I am. 🤦‍♂️ (not that sure I can afford any basses though)
  8. I've just been through a period of strap GAS. Basschat is wholly to blame, of course. Without this place I'd never have known straps could come in different shapes, sizes, and from many diverse materials. Also I wouldn't have been offered the opportunity to buy so many second hand. I ask myself if I'm planning to get one for each bass just to save the enormous effort of attaching them. It's a sickness.
  9. Not come across Khruangbin before. Really interesting band. I just hope no one else is planning on using any reverb if Khruangbin is gigging, because I think they use it all!
  10. Generally begin with all flat. Add little drive. Shape in, wind up the mid until you hit the sweet spot. Works for me!
  11. Both. You sweep from lower to higher the farther left the more of the lower and vice versa. If you listen with headphones you should hear the low octave
  12. Hand made in Greece, a tiny pedal, which is almost two pedals. Almost, because the octave only works in conjunction with the filter, and not on its own. My search for the ideal filter led me to the Tsakalis Audioworks phonkify after trying a fair few. I have a Future Impact which more than caters for my synthy filter sounds, and I have a Fwonkbeta I still haven't tamed yet, it can shake the fillings from your teeth. My most recent (prior to the Phonkify) is the Sonuus Wahoo. Unquestionably the most customisable of the lot, it is a complex bit of kit. All this helped clarify what I'm after. I want a filter which works. I don't want to have to twiddle knobs in a seemingly endless search for the one configuration that actually produces a noise. I want neither volume drop nor increase when I activate the pedal, but if I get either I want to be able to change them quickly. I want a funky, relatively liquid sound but one that retains the quality of my bass. I want to be able to change the sound in a swift, simple, intuitive way on the pedal itself. This little box ticks every one of those boxes. I also like the idea of octave pedals in conjunction with a filter, so that is a bonus, but not a deal breaker. To really hear why this is such a great pedal you need to hear it in a mix. Some filter pedals actually get on my tlts after a couple of minutes. They're just too in your face. This one is deceptive. Because it doesn't leap at you and grab you by the throat , but is still most definitely there, I jammed for a straight 40 minutes with it on the other night and loved how the sound sat in there. Forgot it was on - but in a good way. I've made a little vid for y'all, but remade it because I wanted some other noises with the bass . I don't own anything other than basses so I had to invent drums and keys. It's just an improvised loop with my fat hands getting in the way, but hopefully gives an idea.
  13. Shall I post my Phonkify review here, or start a new thread? 🤔 I'll put it here
  14. Funnily enough, the headstock puts me off too. Not saying never of course - but it's not right is it?
  15. Lucky to be relatively bass gas free atm. Only because I'm suffering horrendous pedal gas instead. However there are a few on my long standing wish list. Notably this -
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