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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. I suppose sometimes people like me (lacking a depth of understanding) need to be led by the nose through certain tasks, step by step through the procedure. Once done, then the explanation as to what has been done and why it worked makes more sense.
  2. I am only talking envelope filters / auto wah. My dedicated octaves, drives and phasers are superior to their multi counter parts.
  3. The best filter sound I've ever found is on the Future Impact. When I first used it I immediately began to sell my collection of envelope filters, auto wahs and pedal wahs. The problem is that not all the bands I used to play in called for that synthy sound. I've been searching since then for a more organic kind of sound to compliment the FI. It's fun, but a tad disappointing when expensive pedals fail to match up to the patches on a Zoom B1on. Not that it matters really. Buying these things is just a hobby for me now.
  4. One thing all this has confirmed is buying a decent multimeter was a very good decision. My old one used to cut out so I never knew if I had a break in continuity or just needed to bang the meter on the edge of the desk.
  5. Exactly how I used to think. Something weird has happened to my brain. Can't explain it but I've begun to like jazz 🤷🏻‍♂️
  6. I apologise, I didn't want to appear thick and admit that I didn't understand. I actually do understand now having followed Tony's instructions. Problem is that we all learn differently.
  7. As a result of this post I ended up meandering down a YouTube rabbit hole, watched a classical trained pianist trying to learn jazz, a documentary on the birth of bebop and a film about the 1967 Monterey Pop Festival. So thanks to you I've had a fascinating, informative and entertaining afternoon and evening! Oh and learned a bit more about good practice practice.
  8. I love these. One of the really useful functions is the line splitter 'effect'. It allows you to have an 'always on' effect (or two) one side of it then another effect the other side. Hit the line selector and the effect on the left of it comes on, hit it again and the effect to the left goes off. All the time the effects to the right of it stay on. Also you can balance the volume of both sides. It sounds confusing but once sussed it's so handy
  9. Indeed. The key difference was Tony told me exactly what needed doing to establish which wires went where. No matter, I'm grateful when anyone offers advice if I have a problem. I just feel the particular advice which enables me to solve a problem deserves particular and specific thanks. I mean no disrespect to anyone else.
  10. As it happens my next one will be a Greek one from the workbench of Chris Tsakalis. Has its own octave which will save a pedal on the board. I will then be deciding which one of three will have to go. Otherwise I'll won't have the money for my next one.
  11. @basstone thank you so much Tony. This is why I come to you for my repairs. Diagnosed the problem from a photograph and gave clear instructions as to how to fix it. All done and sounds great. Probably my imagination but it seems to sound louder 🤷🏻‍♂️.
  12. ... to learn. I, this very morning, just learned what a pentatonic scale is. Been playing bass since the early 1980s, written more bass lines than I care to remember, been in countless bands of all different styles. And I only even heard of it recently. Since when it seemed to crop up over and over. So I decided to find out what it is. If I'd been shown it at my first guitar lesson chances are I'd never have switched to the bass. Just goes to show. Not sure what it goes to show though. Anyway sorry, talking about music, y'all get back to arguing about Brexit.
  13. Not yet! I've been through so many but not that one.
  14. Funnily enough I was looking at the Seamoon this week as my search for a filter pedal I can actually get to work goes on. I love the sound of it but I always love the sound when other people are using filter pedals.
  15. I have had similar issues with synth pedals. In the end I ran a parallel loop with my clean signal in it. So even if the synth dropped out the note was still there.
  16. stewblack

    NPD - Zoom B1

    Congrats! Very very handy tool as you so rightly say. Runs on AA batteries too!
  17. I can't face wading through all of the above so apologies if this has already been mentioned.
  18. Anyone out there who is still using one of these? Or is it just me...? Just after some tips to get started, I feel I'm missing something in my use of the software.
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