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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Oh my. I just read back over this thread. I have nothing but sympathy for Alex. The one thing which used to grind my gears above all else when I ran my own business was armchair experts telling me how it should be done and where I was going wrong. Trust me if you've never been through this it wears you down. Every single person thinks they're being helpful, sharing their 'wisdom' seeing the bigger picture, offering 'constructive criticism' - I heard them all over the years. But actually for the person on the receiving end of this every single one of them just sounds exactly the same as the last. Remember the Harry Enfield character? You don't want to do it like that, you want to do it like this...
  2. Oh dear, posting in my tea break not a great plan. Thanks for pointing out the error of my ways. I have yet to try it, probably won't because I've rather fallen under the spell of another UK pedal manufacturer. But I love Barefaced gear so I genuinely wish them well.
  3. I have played through it so I don't have an opinion on it. As @chris_b says, I wish them well with it.
  4. I got 20 minutes into the video before my head started to spin! Purchases are sale dependent at present or I'd be on this like a tramp on chips.
  5. But if you can get it west as far as Bath I'd be delighted to move it farther you're way. People have done it for me and I want to pay it forward.
  6. I can't drive to Swansea for health reasons it's just too far for me at present, but I could at least get it over the bridge, or possibly to Cardiff depending on other family members.
  7. "the only filter/wah you'll EVER NEED" As a wah and filter addicted fool these words are worryingly exciting to me.
  8. In the early to mid 80s I was the world's greatest fan of both Elvis Costello and of his band The Attractions. OK, so it wasn't easy to prove that using a Sinclair Spectrum and electronic calculator, but I'm pretty confident of the stats nonetheless. Can't remember which one as they all blurred into a haze of cider, smoke and tiny squares of paper, but one of the Saturday nights at Pilton Pop Festival (a village event near the towns of Shepton Mallet and Glastonbury) featured Elvis himself as the headliner. Say what you like, there is something special about living in the time of your heroes ascendant. When popular culture esteems your favourites and places them on public pedestals for your personal pleasure. Beats the hell out of seeing them years after their peak when it feels as if the world has moved on and left both you and them trying to catch the smoke of past glory in the net of nostalgia. That year I was pressed against the barrier just feet from the great man, drinking in every moment of his solo performance. It was the first time I heard Tramp The Dirt Down and the cheers of the crowd in sympathy with its sentiments, visibly moved him and me both. All good things come to an end and indeed EC, having performed his encores bowed for the final time in acknowledgement of the muddy masses on that magical Somerset evening, . I was ready to return to our little camp and find my mates so I could tell them, repeatedly and at enormous length just how good Elvis was, when he sang the opening line of another song, the curtains in front of which he'd performed flew back, the stage exploded with light and there, right there, in front of me was none other than The Attractions, featuring of course, my all time favourite bassist Mr Bruce Thomas himself. They crashed into a full set of material and I was utterly delirious. Higher than any lump of squidgy black or red leb could have made me. A couple of hours of my favourite songwriter, solo, was a near religious experience, but to have my favourite band then perform a surprise set as well, left me a barely coherent babbling fool. No gig has ever come close before or since.
  9. For one thing, don't put yourself down, plenty of us can't answer that and those who can had to ask someone once themselves. No snobbery on Basschat! Secondly drummers are our brothers and sisters in rhythm, and often the only tolerable members of the band, so that's a win for you right there! Thirdly, I am utterly useless and can't answer your question, but I can bump it up a bit and see if someone helpful notices.
  10. Not cheeky at all, but I'm not picking up from Pete, my understanding is there's an item heading towards him down the M4. I offered to be a leg in that journey. Of course given my great age and all round dopiness I may have the wrong end of a stick or two.
  11. We were young! We only had what Radio One and TOTP gave us.
  12. Yup had that too. Still know all the words 🤷🏻‍♂️
  13. First single I ever bought... How Can I Be Sure by The Cass
  14. I have removed the head on mine following the above instructions.
  15. Get it to Marlborough, Chippenham, Calne or Bath and I'll happily pick it up from near M4. Niece in Cardiff might be able to help with the onwards journey.
  16. Ooh, now that is right up my street. You'll lol on the other side of your face when you see my amazing MS-60B Pedal Board in action.
  17. A fair bit of interest in this (presumably as it seems that I have underpriced it) but the gold pickguard with the active bits is nowhere to be seen. If current prospective buyers pull out I will remove the old pickguard from the advert and try again. Update Edit: As of 03/12/2020 still wrestling with wiring back in the original electrics. Technically the bass is under offer but if I can't sort this then it may be available again.
  18. And the flipping spare pickguard for the bass you would otherwise have sold.
  19. One guy who did it said on FB it sounded fine, but I haven't heard any sound samples.
  20. How many is the accepted amount of plectrums one must own to be guaranteed to find one when you want to use one? Thank you.
  21. Ah poop. I forgot 🤦🏼‍♂️
  22. People have been buying the neck from David and a crazy low priced Tele from Thomann. Changing the neck and bridge, then putting the pieces together.
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