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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. I'll take your word for it! Unless the guy who put it in there knows something we don't
  2. PMs replied to. It's 9lb on the nose. As near as dammit is to a swear word anyway. Currently searching for the gold scratchplate which i should have done before posting the advert. Up to the loft this afternoon. Gawd knows where I hid it for safe keeping. By the way a hard case can be added for £20 if the buyer prefers.
  3. Thanks Karl. I try to be philosophical and reason that the gear I buy is similarly cheap.
  4. WITHDRAWN - see last post Made in Mexico. Originally active bass with gold pickguard. Previous owner changed it to passive with tort guard. Also shielded throughout with copper and upgraded bridge pickup to Nordstrand. I put a Kent Armstrong P Bass pick up and strung with flats but can't recall what make they are. I can find the original gold plate complete with its wiring and include it if anyone wants to return it to active duty. Tough to know how to price a bass in this climate with no one gigging, but maybe starting again soon. This has a few marks and scratches, is definitely in used condition but not tatty. Tried to photograph the worst of the marks. The neck is jazz width at the nut. I never quite gelled with this one, no idea why but there it is. If you know about these things and I'm way too low or high with the price please pm me. We'll meet halfway on the postage, so about 15 - 20 quid for you depending on the insurance cost. Or I'm always happy to meet up in a layby.
  5. I've noticed attitudes shifting with regards to the different countries of manufacture. People used to talk about Mexican basses in the way they now talk about Chinese ones. The interview with the man behind HB basses didn't just hint at there only being a few top notch factories which everyone uses, them, he blatantly said it. Yes he also said that some labels use more expensive tone woods and parts, but the same people on the same production line are building 'cheap' basses and more expensive basses. Thomann sell theirs for less because they are gambling on lower margins, bigger numbers sold and reliable qc.
  6. Unbelievably bad service from Hermes both dishonest and incompetent. In fact I think you're just being nice. I don't believe the pedal board arrived at all
  7. Thank you for the offer, that's really kind. I've been planning to pop over Braysdown way and have a look, but desperately need to curb bass related spending.
  8. Just a fabulous looking bass. I'm sure it will sell before I'm solvent again, sadly
  9. I am very keen on these. How does it balance?
  10. Well... that more than clears things up. Basically, better employment conditions than the UK.
  11. Love that @Old Horse Murphy!
  12. Never heard of them before what do you know?
  13. I don't know, I just took it out of the box this afternoon
  14. Anyone know what price point they sell at?
  15. Looks so cool! Good luck with the sale.
  16. Just bought a clean boost pedal to loop with one of my pesky volume drop effects. Humungous loud BANG! whenever I turn it on. Doesn't diminish after multpile use of the switch. Not a huge issue as it'll be always on and in a loop switched elsewhere. But still darned annoying. I read that all true bypass effects do this. Well, not all of mine do! And those that do don't make quite such a good imitation of a shotgun. Is there qanything to be done?
  17. Literally never heard of him so I came to this thread without preconceptions. A minute or so in and I thought this is reminiscent of the Simply Red school of trying hard to be full of soul but just sounding lame and bilious. Great bass playing from Ped though.
  18. Anyone heard of these? Interesting looking Italia P Bass on Marketplace caught my eye, and not that expensive. Looks like it's covered in leather/vinyl.
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