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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. I've got the 'ordinary' one with the two active pups and it's splendid. I'll let you know what the gorgeous matt black one is like as soon as it arrives
  2. I have never weighed mine but I have many many basses to compare and I thought this one was actually a nice weight. Lighter than many (an old HB jazz I have is pretty lumpy) but not remarkably so.
  3. Hi, I can't contribute to the science, but I have gigged a 2 x 8 vertically aligned, lightweight cab and it was very good. TC Electronic 208 to be precise. When paired with a 1 X 10 it was very, very capable. Having said all that, your sound is what you like, and might not be what any of us like. If I was to recommend a manufacturer it would be the same as @chris_b - Barefaced. Happy to guarantee you won't regret it.
  4. That really sucks when you have to work on a new bass. I know it hurts less when it costs less but that's not the point. I have been lucky with almost all of the HBs I've had. I shoved a new pick up in one just to see what improvements it might make, but ham fisted as I am it now buzzes like a fridge.
  5. Ah the horse, no I couldn't afford one of those, I assumed you meant the chocolate 🍫
  6. That is just pornographic.
  7. Sounds like an interesting and potentially rewarding project.
  8. Ah there's the rub! I have no other rooms
  9. Sat playing mine right now. The most beautiful finish of any bass I own. Played perfectly out of the box. If you'd picked one up and were td it was say a 350 quid bass you wouldn't bat an eyelid.
  10. I now need to sell something. Just used my car insurance money to buy one.
  11. I have been fighting the urge for weeks over this one EDIT What? Damn I thought it was the t-bird one. I must have this.
  12. Can't answer I'm afraid as I've not used the Rockboard ones. I can say EBS are expensive but very good. Space saving and reliable. Best bang for buck I've used are branded Donner, but the plugs are a little bulkier than EBS.
  13. I have committed my heretical views to print here before, but it bears repeating. No one in any audience is remotely aware of the nuanced differences we agonise over. No one. In fact if Joanne Public was privy to the way we bang on about this string sounding woodier than that string and so forth, they'd assume they'd stumbled into a blog for a giant lunatic asylum. I am quite happy in the knowledge that I do all this to please one person. Me. I played the latter half of a second set with a broken amp once. Still made a noise in response to me plucking a string but not a musical noise. A kind of mechanical fa®t noise. No one noticed. Not band members, audience or my mate who was paying me close attention at the time. Taught me a valuable lesson.
  14. Are these definitely parallel, and do they each take up one of your 6 on/off footswitches?
  15. This interests me. I'm a big fan of running effects in parallel rather than have each preceding effect affect the ones front of it. My only concern with the Helix is whether (with my reduced ability to concentrate hard for long spells) I will actually hook it up to the computer and really get stuck into it. I loved trying to learn and understand my Future Impact when I first got it, but since starting to struggle I seldom go through the rigmarole of connecting it up because I know within a quarter of an hour I'll be done. This is why the TCE Plethora X5 appeals to me. Not because I think it's better, I don't, but because I suspect I'll get the best out of it more easily.
  16. Some really lovely wood on display on this thread.
  17. Music Speed Changer. Installed it last night and paid for it to be ad free straight away. It's great. Slows, speeds up, accurate simple looping, saves the loops. Basically everything I do with Audacity on the PC. Recommended.
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