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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Or multi for dummies if you prefer. Recent chat with @Al Krow and @dannybuoy revealed to me that I know next to nothing about the world of multi effects once we get beyond the Harley Benton / Zoom price point. As lockdown and illness has all but destroyed my gigging life (hopefully not forever) I've shifted focus to lessons, learning to sight read, and toys. By toys I of course mean effects. So let's gather the enormous knowledge of the Basschat Massive into an easy understand pro and con type list covering any multi effects that you care to mention.
  2. and this is why I try to convince bands not to pay any attention to the muggles Especially the would be sound engineers
  3. Went through years as a 4ophile. Barely listened to music. But after the ludicrous way they killed Nigel I fell out of love.
  4. @Al Krow @dannybuoy I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tempted by the Helix. I know a bunch of you guys, whose judgement I trust entirely, have nothing but praise for them. Who can say what attracts us and why? I'm only window shopping right now but the Plethora looks like I might get my head around it easily. I haven't looked into Helix or how they function at all. I guess, as I'm not actually buying at present, that I don't see it as one versus the other. This time next week I'm just as likely to be looking at a hotone or headrush or whatever. I kind of know what I don't use at gigs and what I do. Beyond that I have no strong opinions either way.
  5. Price is coming down on these. Seen them new for 330. I think that's pretty good. 5 individual stomps and a tuner for just over 50 each would be pretty good business, but this offers a lot more. I like multi fx I can play like individual pedals. I shall be interested to see if they come down any more any time soon.
  6. Anyway, it doesn't matter I'm just curious really. It's not likely to happen on Basschat
  7. Deaden the strings maybe? Washing up pad under the strings by the bridge
  8. Said to me as I set up at an audition. The band was a three piece plus vocals. "we just ran through the songs you'll be playing, it's amazing what a difference it makes not having the bass" I should have walked then and there
  9. That's another great observation. It's why I don't like learning my most favourite songs. Once you take the lid off and see how it works, the magic leaves the box.
  10. That's brilliantly put, I found exactly the same thing first function band I played with. Turned my nose up when I first saw the set list, but changed my mind rapidly once I started learning
  11. His Caveness https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m000pvgy?fbclid=IwAR0nJO6WZY_NbHr3rdjkwvb4BFGDWRu1CXWHF7MTH2rrUw73TX4r9ORhENE
  12. Yes indeed, I think I'm going to wait until I have collected the pedals and build the board to suit.
  13. It's a word I always struggled with. Until I was passed this handy little tip. Think of advice / advise. You never muddle them up. Same rules apply to practice / practise.
  14. Yes it wipes the pedal then loads whatever you choose to put on it. Without knowing how far through the install process you've got it's difficult to advise on your second question.
  15. As I said this was only an idle way to spend a bit of time. I certainly never said I must in fact I almost certainly won't. I asked for ideas because, well you never know, someone might have inspired me. I'm not into big motorcycles, in my youth I rode Lambretta Scooters, but that was a very long time ago.
  16. Oh sorry. I thought it was, apologies.
  17. I sold my B3 before discovering this hack. However I am wiping a series of MS-60B pedals and installing just what I need on each. Idea being to make a pedal board with just MS-60B pedals on it. You are quite right to keep the G1Xon with you, it is a brilliant rehearsal tool. I bought a cheap bluetooth receiver from Ebay so that's one less cable, just play stuff straight from my phone. The metronome and drum patterns and looper are super handy too.
  18. That makes way more sense to me than kg, lbs or ozs! I have light basses and heavy all the rest are medium, either the light side of medium or the heavier side of medium. A few are bang on the middle.
  19. the bass in the pictures is just one I grabbed on the Internet and coloured to match mine. Mine is a much amended Harley originally modded by @discreet
  20. Oh I say! The one in the vid sounds great, but I confess I wondered who to shoot for the graphics around the controls! So to see them gone on yours was a huge relief. How heavy is it roughly?
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