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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Couldn't agree more this was an extremely limited test and redundant now anyway as the Mooer went phut! earlier. I now have the Boss in a separate loop with a low gain distortion and together they are righteous!
  2. Ha ha! Not this time Found, by lucky chance, my phavourite phaser - first one I tried.
  3. I took it on the chin though didn't I
  4. It is good isn't it? Like you I don't need all those reverb and delay options, once I have the basic effects I like and use its great to dump the rest.
  5. Just a heads up. Anyone in or near Southampton? Someone on FB selling a red Bass Collection J Bass for 150.
  6. Congratulations, you doubled your collection! The most important bit for me is that fuzzy feeling you describe. I can't try the basses I want because there are no music shops. I therefore often go on the look of the thing. I get a warm fuzzy feeling from looking at a beautiful instrument. If I get the feeling from playing it too, then I'm golden. It's a keeper. People used to laugh at me for buying cameras I liked the look of - and I can see why. I've found the things I like the look and feel of make me want to use them. So I took more pictures with a great looking camera and I practise more with a great looking and feeling bass.
  7. @Frank Blank As you know mate I have a thoroughly deserved reputation as a miserly cheapskate who owns basses which retailed in the four figures, and yet takes a perverse pleasure in using a 90 quid Harley instead. However, Sandberg is different gravy as far as I'm concerned. Proper decent basses, one of those special instruments I have no intention of ever selling but not so expensive I'm terrified to take it out of the house.
  8. Lovely! At one time I could have matched that set but I sold the T-Bird. You could be H. B. Tbirdntalman, has a ring to it ☺
  9. No no no, I'm a chunky neck guy. They sound absolutely perfect. You say you bought new scratchplates for them? Was it difficult finding them to fit?
  10. Those look great @Maude Aria STB are on my radar, but you just bumped them up! Hang on 50 quid???
  11. I'm going to make a pedal board. The thought came from nowhere, but I knew it was a good one right away. A fun project, inexpensive materials for when I inevitably screw it up, and so simple, eventual success is almost guaranteed. I work best by trial and error. Fix problems with tape, elastic bands, cable ties and glue, moving up one step at a time to an actual, workable solution. I struggle to imagine abstract ideas and make them real. So I decided, given my surprisingly impressive facility with Photoshop to change all that and make a plan. I've done the top down view, and the side view and I'm quite pleased with the result. Or at least I was until I dropped some scale pictures of pedals onto it. It's a two tier board, the top tier of which appears sufficiently capacious to cater for 40 Boss sized stomps. Back (as I believe someone once said) to the drawing board.
  12. Now everyone thinks Mick is Mark from takingbass.
  13. Hi, sorry I missed this first time around. That looks like an amazing deal, thank you
  14. It's really lovely to play, instant favourite.
  15. Thank you Frank. Postman brought it Tuesday!
  16. The Wind Up Birds. I didn't know I loved the Leeds accent until I heard them. It adds so much to the music. Not just accent but dialect as well. If you take this couplet from There Won't Always Be An England the scene is all the more vivid for not being overdressed in pretentious language
  17. you got it! easy tiger 🐯
  18. A couple of months back I hit on a Facebook advert which ended up with me chatting to the man who runs Impure Guitars. I really liked the inventiveness and imagination evident in his work, and so a seed was planted. I sent him pictures of basses I liked the look of, just randomly culled from a Google image search without too much thought. He came back with a sketch of an idea for a body shape. The seed sprouted! After a bit of back and forth we realised my original idea of a lump of old charred reclaimed timber and some hillbilly, rustic stylings were not compatible with the shape and style we were developing. So the idea now is more late 50s Atomic Age. The project has begun.
  19. I use the term pointy heads with great affection.
  20. I shall await with interest for it to be released on normal phones.
  21. You did, and I did, but it had to go along with a lot of other stuff when I got hit hard with some big bills. That was a great pedal.
  22. Bought a great pedal from Andy, wonderful guy to deal with ,friendly, open, honest and quick to respond. Delighted to recommend him.
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