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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. OK now I feel better about my minor quibbles. Some of you are just weird 😅
  2. I was reading this thinking how hard it must be to get through life worrying about such irrelevant details.... and then amp overhang was mentioned and a shudder ran through me. Then stacks with different size cabs... I started to twitch. And I recall just how insanely angry I get if a strap button is located on the heel of the neck I stead of where it should be so the bass falls away from me when I'm trying to play the damn thing. This led me inexorably to the most heinous of all crimes. Neck dive. And I realise that we all ha ve our irrational ticks. Yes I've used a clip on tuner, no of course I won't be putting on and off all night, but then neither would I clip it on the very end of my headstock or, heaven forbid, the front of the headstock, so you would hardly notice it anyway. Oh God I need help
  3. Yep, sounds and feels indescribably good, but I can't lift it.
  4. Just bought a Warwick case multi stand thingy from @thestick of this parish. The corner of my domicile used to house three basses on individual stands which stuck out at irritating angles. Happy to say three has become seven. I can get some more out from under the bed now.
  5. I agree with you, impossible to make a definitive judgement from one clip played by someone else. Thanks for taking part.
  6. Always liked these wrap jobs their guitar tech did for them. So realistic
  7. I drove down the M4 to Reading and back today and felt like I'd absconded from Stalag Luft. A holiday? Ooh I don't think I can handle that. I just don't know who could resist a case that turns into a scooter. I mean how cool is that??
  8. Ahem, just leave this here, you can thank me later https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08C4M6WLL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_imm_t1_HkANFbXCR7E40
  9. Best 1 amp and nothing else solution I have ever had was a rack bag. Easy to carry total protection, less bulky, a pocket on top. Wish I'd kept it.
  10. Met Trevor in time honoured Basschat fashion, in a layby just off the M4. As far as two masked desperados go I don't think we frightened anyone. I came home the proud owner of a new multi stand, and very happy to be so. Throughout the process Trevor remained patient as I came up with one excuse after another to delay the culmination of our deal, and is, I am delighted to report, a fine Basschatter. Heartily recommended.
  11. Met Trevor in time honoured Basschat fashion, in a layby just off the M4. As far as two masked desperados go I don't think we frightened anyone. I came home the proud owner of a new multi stand, and very happy to be so. Throughout the process Trevor remained patient as I came up with one excuse after another to delay the culmination of our deal, and is, I am delighted to report, a fine Basschatter. Heartily recommended.
  12. I will go check out his work. I have of course heard of Whitesnake but not sat and listened properly. Always happy to follow another bassist's recommendation.
  13. A friend of mine recently alerted me to a reissue of a favourite album. Insane price, extra unreleased tracks, booklet etc etc. I don't see the appeal. As op says, there's a reason these tracks didn't make the cut.
  14. That looks lovely. I'm a recent convert. Used my 80s Aria for decades with the occasional dalliance here and there, but the two Ibanez I now own are really good instruments.
  15. Of all the visual aspects of a bass, headstock shape is a real deal breaker for me, so I know what you mean. I am really lucky because I like the HB headstock. Not having the skills to reshape it I'd be stuck. The Gear 4 Music headstock basically saves me money (see also G&L, Bite, Kramer etc etc)
  16. I have precisely the same issue. Some patches sound great then the next one I select is weedy or quiet or both yet they sounded fine when setting them up on the computer. In fairness I often came across this with multi effects pedals. Problem is, you can get them all to the same DB level and some sounds will cut through better/worse than others just because of their character. Trial error and using the output level I guess
  17. I have the 4 string, its excellent. I have literally no desire to change anything , not strings, pups, nothing. However just for fun I put some square stick on 'inlays' on the fretboard. Pimped my Harley!!
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