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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. I have a semi which never achieves its full potential. Unless I put it into a Joyo Sweet Baby. Then it comes to life. I tried it with my solid bodies and it was too thin. Another good one is the American Sound or its little brother the Orange Juice.
  2. What does this do then? Only Bit Crusher I've ever used is on my Zoom multi effects and it just made the bass sound broken!
  3. Quite agree. An effect for recording is very different than one for gigging Or can be
  4. Twice played with siblings. Once the drummer and keyboard player (brothers) and once the drummer and guitarist (also brothers) (but no relation to the first brothers). And twice in a band with my soon to be ex wife.
  5. Great to see people finding ways to collaborate in these difficult times. Thanks for sharing.
  6. I can't begin to imagine how good this is. Incredible spec.
  7. First thing I discovered is it is very forgiving if you forget to use a polarity changer. Makes the whole casing tingle too.
  8. stewblack

    MB1 Feedback

    Martin helped finance my latest pedal binge by buying my TU-2. It was a happy and pain free transaction and I heartily join the chorus of praise for this most excellent Basschatter.
  9. Actually it is better than perfect. The final piece of my bi-amp jigsaw. The effects loop is what makes it so great for me.
  10. OK, now, someone remind me - why was it imperative I buy this the other night? 🤔
  11. Really good points. I must add I'm not trying to catch anyone out here I'm genuinely interested in what people think. The versatility is indeed important to me, and some of these pedals are literally doing as much as they can while others have more room for adjustment. Thanks for taking the time to have a listen. I appreciate it
  12. My mantra is if the postman wants to play football with it, the parcel will still arrive intact!
  13. Yeah! Glad to hear from another Egg fan. Every album comes with a handwritten note, their wrists must be so sore!
  14. The new album from The Lovely Eggs dropped onto the doormat today. It will be in heavy rotation in the coming days.
  15. I hear you. Number 4 has a thick, clumsy kind of sound. In its defence I was able to dial in very similar settings on three of the others but 1 and 4 are bit of one and two trick ponies.
  16. What an honour to be the first on a feedback thread! I bought a pedal from Rob in a transaction which, quite simply could not have gone smoother. Cordial, swift to respond and to keep me up to date throughout, Rob is a gent and very easy to deal with. I happily recommend him to the community. Stew
  17. My collection of chorus pedals is expanding like a universe of swirly things. But which one will make the cut? Which ones will be consigned to the FS forum? Thought it might be fun to line a few of them up and canvass opinion here. Just for a bit of fun you understand. I won't make up my mind until they've been tested in a band context. So a simple little exercise played as close to the same each time as makes no odds , no preamp, all just direct to my pc. If this sparks any interest I'll tell you which the 5 pedals were. if anyone cares still after that, I'll reveal which was which.
  18. It was his band, I auditioned with Master Blaster and thought to myself, well, I know I nailed it so God knows what went wrong there!
  19. Agreed. I used to do this in a three piece with a guitarist who couldn't keep time. It was, a challenge.
  20. Boring answer: it depends. I've been in some bands that never rehearsed so it was important to all work from the same original. If I started varying the bass part and someone else was taking a cue from it, it could destabilise a part of the song. Good musicians would overcome this but we needed to sound tight so we all learned the original parts. Other bands I'm in I pick and choose, either write my own part, or if it's a great bassline I learn the original
  21. I swear this forum only exists to empty my wallet.
  22. I thought I was nailing it, lost count of the gigs I've played it at. Never too old to learn I suppose.
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