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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. I sold mine, convinced that I was fully committed to the Class D revolution. The NA650 was old tech and way too heavy. I subsequently bought an SVT. 🤦🏼‍♂️
  2. You know what? My Eden Nemesis 650w was probably my favourite. Back when I was gigging a lot and on proper stages it travelled all over the country with me. Incredible tone controls and a wonderful sound through old school 8x10 cab. This was back before the days of multiple basses, new strings and such! It still sounded great.
  3. It's not kindness you're just dammed good at it.
  4. (don't tell anyone but I thought it probably would be 😉)
  5. And maybe this is why it was posted. To alert those in the vicinity of a potential bargain.
  6. Nice one! How many of us have been playing that bass and horn line slightly differently I wonder?
  7. (frantically googles safe removal of 3M Dual Lock)
  8. I seldom see any proper auctions on eBay any more. Most have a starting bid or are buy it now. Anyway, the question wasn't what everyone else thinks, the question was why this was posted in the first place. I think it was to alert us to a potential bargain.
  9. I've been lucky in the few deals I've done with folk on Facebook. I can only recall two issues here, but rather than make a fuss I learned my lesson and moved on. Two - out of all the deals I've done and people I've met. Think of the Basschat relays, of a certain member driving miles to deliver a bass and flat out refusing petrol money, the guy who would not take my money until I received and liked the bass, the people who have sold instruments for below the market value and done it happily. People who help me pitch at the right selling price when I have no clue, and all those who take time to leave positive feed back. Two disappointing moments among years and years of happy buying and selling. I have literally no complaints.
  10. Would it be considered rude for me to enquire as to this pedal building business of which you speak? Perhaps a link?
  11. I can't tell if you're serious or not.. on the off chance you are and I haven't fallen for a leg pull, it seems to be a fairly straightforward heads up to the community of a potential bargain.
  12. Uh huh, uh huh, this is also a solution. But not a cheap one!
  13. Tuck the transmitter in your pocket, when you take the bass off you find you're still attached - cue awkward overhead bass juggling. Attach it to the strap securely enough and moving to another bass in a hurry becomes a pita. Solution? Simples! 3M Dual Lock. What solutions have you found after a ridiculously long time?
  14. So relaxed as well. Use it as inspiration rather than giving up!
  15. I suppose because it's a link to an Ebay auction for a bass guitar. 🤷‍♂️
  16. I know. Desparate isn't it? I committed to a long term project to stop me buying things I have no need for, and to force me to save. So why do i still come to the FS section?? WHY??
  17. Further to this. Once we've all used to isolated bass to learn the notes, here is what we need to play along. Do you come out of the instrumental break at the same time as the drummer? I don't 😫
  18. Welcome to the gang! I hope you love it as much as I do.
  19. If I didn't live in one room already filled with bass gear, if I hadn't committed all available resources to a couple of builds, if I had any hope of gigging soon, if I was to buy another cab and could choose any cab out there... this would be the one. Sure someone will snap this up and be very happy.
  20. I once put up a curtain pole for a man who's girlfriend is the niece of John Deacon.
  21. I have the same white knob, I believe it is the Spectracomp toneprint I loaded on it. Excellent compressor, does what I want it to. Which is lucky.
  22. Heaven - the raw animal power of Lemmy, the smile of Kinga Glyk.... I think you can all see where this is heading 😬
  23. Yes this is possible, but then the OC5 is supposed to make the hunt for old OC2's obsolete so maybe not...
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