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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. All the searching, buying, trying and moving on that we do, the seemingly endless quest for the perfect pedal, and sometimes one just falls into your lap. I bought Mr Black's Fwonkbeta, it had my name on it. Its great. Then, idly browsing FB marketplace I see another Mr B pedal for sale, and without thinking I've only gone and bought it. The Gilamondo is an eight stage phase shift. Whatever that means. It is amazing. Exactly the right blend of psychedelia and general swooshing, swirly, foldy, in and outiness that my ears seem to love. I thought I was after the perfect chorus and the perfect auto wah. Turns out that I also needed this all along. What effect have you ended up with in similar circumstances? Bought a Behringer because it matched your tie, and it turned out to be exactly what you wanted? Scored a Strymon, or won a Wampler because you had one too many sips of Skol and found yourself on Ebay? Or are you just way too careful and considered to ever roll the dice in such a way?
  2. Sorry guys been crazy busy. Update. Actually had a rehearsal tonight and got to hear myself at a decent level, through proper cabs and in context. The MXR I just acquired with a bit of dirt behind it sounded so very good, I am much happier now. I needed to hear it like that and I actually ended up easing it off a little. Turns out I like a slightly more subtle sound. It was a joyo orange juice feeding into it and honestly I didn't want to turn them off! I will definitely examine other options as and when the chance arises. I may one day want a real crushing uber chorus sound, but right now I'm much happier.
  3. The midget/compact combination is entirely unbeatable in my humble opinion.
  4. Yeah but it'll never be as cool!
  5. I have had loads of them over the years. I see you mentioned the Eden 15v one. I had that, and it was too subtle for me. I don't mean I disliked it, more that at its most full on settings it sounded like it was at what I consider minimum. I always wanted to be able to push it more @BillyBass I have heard great things but sadly these are out of my budget.
  6. My anticipated arrival just arrived so nothing actually confirmed. However I am in the market for chorus pedals, trying as many as I can to find the right one so you never know.
  7. Please can I deepen, widen, and even enlarge on the question of the bass guitar chorus pedal? I am engaged in a lifelong search for the perfect bass chorus effect. I just bought yet another but the only way it scratches my particular personal itch is by blending it with a second chorus pedal. Which is fine, I get a sound I like, but my question is this: Are all bass chorus pedals inherently subtle? They all seem to need maxing out before they do anything. I had one which others swear by and I couldn't even tell if it was on! I wonder if I'm after something that doesn't exist.
  8. Monica is great to deal with, friendly and polite, fair with her pricing, great communications and a very prompt and tidy packager of pedals. I happily endorse her to the community. 😊
  9. I seem to learn of so many great players only at the time of their passing. A latecomer to the genre and ToP in particular, I love the little I've heard. Learning about the bass player would have been my next step. Sad news. I'm sorry for those of you who knew and loved the guy's playing.
  10. I have yet to build my own, but I would start with a Harley Benton kit from Thomann simply because many others here have had success with them. However reading between the lines I suspect you'd be happier starting with a lump of wood and sourcing bits and pieces here and there. You have time tools and skills and want to feel its yours, unique. You won't get that buzz from a kit.
  11. So you people change your strings huh?
  12. Beautiful film, one of my favourites. Hope she enjoyed it.
  13. Me too! Also in one song I need a low D, but only a couple of times. Ricochet on 'momentary' set to 2 down - boom! It's great. The octave up sound us so good I've recorded me playing chords with it and people have assumed it was a guitar!
  14. I don't know if I ever updated mine. I had better check. The tuner is as good, the HPF is better (well, easier to use) lots of options for the effects you list. But the main advantage I find is being able to use it like a pedal board. Having a row of pedals, in a line and being able to turn them on and off individually. You can do this on the B1on but only by creating multiple patches.
  15. Got a picture at all? I might have something more to your taste. I'll pm details later.
  16. I use the Mobile Sheets Pro app. Didn't know it kept a record of what I've played. I'll have to investigate.
  17. I have the exact model. Apart from the Kiogon tone switch I have to say I've left it as it arrived. It came set up how I like it, and sounded superb. One of the nicest finishes on any bass I've seen.
  18. Live Internet gig on Saturday. I can tell you no more than that! I guess I'll find out.
  19. Been reading this thread, very keen to join in. Sadly for me I've had to accept it has never been about the tone for me. It's always been about the bass line. It can be a Jamerson thud or JJB's filthy snarl, Entwistle's barrage of effects or Bruce Thomas perfect precision. The sound has never been the deciding factor for me. Which is sad because I don't get to join in the fun. *SIGH*
  20. This is the kind of serendipity Basschat often pulls off. I was looking at my all black bass this morning and thinking, when I change strings I'm going to look for some affordable black ones. Boom! Mick, starts a thread.
  21. I have a customised search which shows me unread content in the fora in which I have the most interest. This is nearly everything bar off topic and a couple of others.
  22. @Jus Lukin good grief! What a tale. So glad the outcome leaves you with a roof and an income!
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