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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Cool, I will store it the other way up from now on. Thank you, glad it was a simple solution.
  2. But a real expert on the armchair who pontificates from an armchair is more than just an armchair expert surely.
  3. Bought an active bass. Immediately noticed the output was pretty weak so popped in a new 9v and all was fine. Just picked it up a few weeks later and nothing. The battery is totally flat. When it is unplugged on a stand what could be draining the juice out of it?
  4. @Muzz I've been meaning to ask for a while now. I often read here how poor these bridges are, but I'm too technically deficient to understand whats wrong with them. In fact bridges in general are a bit of a closed book to me. I understand the problem with them bending or lifting, but otherwise don't know what makes a good or bad one. I am commissioning a builder soon so I need to swat up on all of this.
  5. Crack on. Don't wait, you might talk yourself out of it.
  6. Goodness, that really does illustrate the age of the Internet Expert!
  7. It's interesting, often when folk do start a new thread on a familiar topic they run the risk of the "oh God not this again" reaction. (Rude and unnecessary but not mod worthy) so you're kind of damned if you do and damned if you don't. I love the atmosphere and humour on Basschat. Start too much regulation and you might kill the very thing makes it a fun place.
  8. If Frank's there I'm there. Never got to shake his hand when we met like two masked highwaymen!
  9. So what tracks would you JH aficionados recommend to showcase his style?
  10. Just realised I set out one weekend to do a couple of gigs. I incorporated a bit of Basschat buying and trading while on my travels. Turned up for the Sunday afternoon gig with two new speakers, a new P-bass and a new Ashdown head none of which had been with me when I set out from home. Played with them all there and then!
  11. Jet was one of the names the erstwhile Mrs Black rejected for my boy. See also Pitch and Squidgy.
  12. Not the best sounding by any means but the best designed I've found is in the Zoom multi effects. They include a fine tuning control so using an external tuner you get it bang on. If they didn't sound quite as much like a warbling space canary with a cold they'd be perfect.
  13. I'm sold. One of the very best pedal reviews I've ever seen. I really like and use octave /pitch shifting both for messing and gigging. I've been through a ton of them (including some highly regarded) before settling on what I like. But this looks like it's versatile enough to compliment and work with my current line up. Very very interesting.
  14. I like all the things the op dislikes. So, using some kind of logic, I guess what I don't like will fit the bill. Something with a lot of controls, a powerful preamp with tone controls on steroids and a maple fretboard. Always feel like I'm riding a wild horse with no bridle when playing these kind of basses. Yeah and a big ol' humbucker set right back by the bridge.
  15. It worked! In fact it worked so well that one of the dodgy old pedals I tried it on actually started working again.
  16. I suppose you're all expecting me to buy one just so that I can tell you what it's like.
  17. A lot of folk bandy words like trust and respect. Well I'm going to put my money where my mouth is and prove how much I mean those two simple words. I'm going to do what you say and to hell with the consequences.
  18. Yeah I know what you mean, but on the other hand I don't own a bass with a reverse headstock, so there's as good a reason as any!
  19. Yes indeed. Two in fact. Joyo XIV and Digitech Ricochet. The Ricochet is so good I can play chords with it an octave up.
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