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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. stewblack

    My pedals

    The posts posted with an apparently valid reason are seldom anywhere near as interesting. I had the Eden chorus but it wasn't quite what I was after. The Future Impact is almost certainly the greatest and most ludicrously complex music related thing I've ever owned. I've always fancied the Bass Synth Wah.
  2. Literally everything I need to do a gig except microphone and mic stand. And I'm not a singer so..
  3. OK. I'm not letting this go without a fight. Following advice from the legend that is the @Dood I have now purchased some 8 X AA holders. And yes I have now spent more than another Harley Benton recheargable power supply would have cost. And they have two outlets, and phone charging, and they're smaller, and they have a torch. But where's the fun in being sensible? Here's the problem though. When I plug in my recheargable batteries I am getting just over 10.3 volts. I read somewhere that pedals will cope with 10% more than the recommended 9v. I don't know if I believe that enough to hook up several hundred pounds worth of noise machines to my non money saving crackpot homemade idea. What can ya'll tell me about this? I mean, other than go buy a proper supply, I've done that they're £35 and utterly brilliant. Does the danger of the output diminish the more pedals you hook up? Should I just throw in one older crappy battery to drop the v's?
  4. What have you done lately that made you look in the mirror and shake your head? What historic bass related embarrassment still haunts you in the wee small hours? I'll start. I just bought an ABY pedal. Jolly useful little chaps. What sets me above the herd, so I thought, was that mine has level controls for both outputs. Oh and only cost 15 earth pounds. What I failed to notice was that I have bought the world's only ABY pedal WHICH HAS NO Y. I can output to A. I can output to B. But not at the same time. Which is, of course, precisely the function for which I bought the darn thing.
  5. I put my Trace through two 15" Barefaced cabs. I can highly recommend it. As well as sounding incredible they are so light to carry.
  6. Can anyone tell me if the bass on this track (from the Hey Jude album) was played by David Hood, or Jerry Jemmott ?
  7. I flirted with it but the closest I got was rolled by rock and moved by metal, although not for long.
  8. I think preset setters are on a hiding to nothing. There are just too many variables and no two bassists will want identical settings. I have a pedal I'm learning today it has only 3 nobs. I just started working out how many variables just 3 controls give me and stopped when I reached a gajillion. And that's without factoring in which bass, pick ups, amp, cab, playing style. In other words if I got the job of preset setter I wouldn't worry about whether anyone would actually use what I created.
  9. The only way I can think is to connect the USB and record it in real time onto Audacity (or software of your choice). The B3 is its own audio interface so just locate it in the record source and BOOM!
  10. Don't know. £177. Because it is exciting!
  11. Thanks to Rick Beato I find myself listening to "Relaxin' with the Miles Davis Quintet". This might not sound particularly momentous to you, but for a man weaned on glam, woken up by punk, shaken by ska and only lately soothed by soul, it is a huge step.
  12. Might be what I need to power my seat speakers.
  13. 👆 my favourite comment anywhere today.
  14. I know you didn't ask for my advice, but if you're not sure, I would suggest just go ahead and buy this amp. The more I use mine the more I like it. Produces the kind of sound just sits in the mix yet still retains its own individual presence. The overdrive and compressor are both great too. Oh and the seller is just smashing.
  15. I used to alternate between MB NY 15" cabs and BF 15" cabs, back in the land that time forgot when we gigged several times a week. I never felt the difference was quite that marked, although when I needed money and space I kept the BF cabs, so I guess that tells its own story. As @Steve_M suggests certain set ups suit different instruments in different ways. With the Orange Terror and passive P in a soul band the MBs were actually my preference. But the BF cabs I own will be the last I ever sell.
  16. I feel your pain, offering such an amazingly low price. In a moribund market made up of unemployed musicians, what can you do? Good luck with your sale, I hope things pick up for everyone soon.
  17. I had recorder in school and piano lessons once a week after school. I ended up playing truant and missing the lessons my parents were paying for. Mum isn't interested in music and dad listened but never played. When (inevitably) they found out what I'd been up to, I knew to fear the wrath of my mother. It was with a certain bewildered relief therefore that the loving, gentle man my father always was, decided to handle the disciplinary hearing. He asked why I bunked off lessons when I clearly loved music. I told him yes but not that music. Two days later he came home with an electric guitar he'd seen advertised on the buy and sell notice board at work. He waited until he saw my bloody tattered finger tips after a few weeks of Bert Weedon or somesuch, and organised lessons with a young guy over the road. Oh and he built me my first amp out of an old radiogram. It wasn't just the single most important event in my teenage years, the start of a life long passion, but it was, and remains, the most wonderful inspiration for how to be a parent I could ever hope to achieve. I miss him so much, and I don't think he had any idea just what he'd done for me.
  18. I can't tell you how much I wish I'd read this before buying my 6 X AA battery holder. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. That being said I am getting a good bit of life out of the 6. But I guess I need all six at their absolute best at the same time and once they begin to fade it'll be Goodnight Vienna.
  19. Especially galling when you see all the tobacco being sold there.
  20. I already love the look of this bass and you have basically sold it to me in one sentence!
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